~*The Hangman's Daughter*~ profile picture

~*The Hangman's Daughter*~

Fuck these chains, No more will I be a slave

About Me

"Live and Let die"I like to live it up. Unpredictable person who loves to listen to music, hang out with friends and believe it or not read.I'm a sucker when it comes to my dog Zoi (a shepard mix) Liz, Danny and Button my Leopard Geckos and my snakes. I breed them and they are all spoiled rotten! The slide show is a couple of them.I listen to mostly metal but I also listen to rock, blues and the good country, not any of that pop country *gag*. As evry metalhead on here already has a pic of Dimebag Darrell, so here's mine. We all miss him dearly and his smile that brought comfort to us all. Love and Miss you man. RIP hun, may you forever rock in heavon.My true calling would have to be marine biology, ever since I can remember I have been facinated by marine mammals. I was to go to school for it and hopefully work with killer whales when I get to that point. Hell even my biggest tattoo is of a orca mother and calf.I work at a animal hospital and enjoy every second of it. I spend more time there then at home, granted because it is a hospital. Things are always intense and unpredictable which I thrive in. Here's a video on pit bulls and coming from someone who works with animal 40+ a week I can honestly say I've almost been bitten by more freaking chihuahuas then pits. They are a beautiful breed and have a devotion to their owners. Their tails wagging are more dangerous then those teeth! PUNISH THE DEED NOT THE BREED!!!!Sorry again

Add to My Profile | More VideosFamily and friends are a major factor in my life. I wouldn't be where I am now without them. I also am a huge sucker for my friends kids. I love all my nieces and nephews with all my heart!!I have a attitude that's playful and blunt. I'm not subtle at all. Some people say that I'm a bitch but I think it's just being honest =)I'm very social and open-minded and I don't take defense too quickly, if I do please don't run away or make any sudden movements because I have a HOT temper. I'm extremely devoted to my family and friends. I take better care of them and my animals then I do myself. I can be a real bitch but I am a real sweetheart when it comes down to it.Ok unlike most people on this Damn myspace thing, I know most of the people on my buddy list. Once in a while I'll add someone I don't know but if I don't hear from you (which means a message, not a comment or post) you will more then likely be deleted with in a week. Sorry.
.. Now Icons

My Interests

My friends and family are life. I know 98% of the people on my friends list and the only reason I have myspace is so I can talk to them more because some people it's easier to get a hold of em on here then on their phones....stupid huh? Haha but I've made some friends on here I enjoy. I'm the type you don't mess with my friends or break their heart otherwise you got me ready to hunt u down and u better hope I'll be kind when I do find you.I love to 4-wheel. We're not talking lil dinky "oh looks there's dirt so we'll wheel" 4-wheeling. I'm talking like the only way to get into the trail is by almost being straight up and down and hoping that front stinger does it's job or we're going to roll for 500 ft 4-wheeling. Yeah hardcore baby!I LOVE tattoos. I have 8 of em. Working on 2 half sleeves, a calf piece, I got my stomach, neck, shoulder blades and ankles done. Yeah well all my tattoos mean something extremely special to me and I know I will not regret a single fucking one.Music is a huge factor as well, there's been times music helped me when nothing else could and every memory I have there's a song playing in the background. I love my Heavy metal and I know my shit so don't think I'm a mainstream chick because....I'm far from it.

I'd like to meet:

Friends and old high school buddies :)
Muahahaha! You are pure evil! You love to wreak
havoc on anyone and anything you can get your
hands on! You are also obsessed with death
and destruction.Your theme song: The Devil by Nunslaughter

What Rubber Duckie are You? (8 possible results!)
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New. Are you a True Metal Head? New
brought to you by Quizilla Are you a True Metal Head?
Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Includes: Acid Bath, Nevermore, Kalmah, Dark Tranquility, Soilwork, Children of Bodom, DEATH, Arch Enemy, BloodBath, My Dying Bride, ...And Oceans, Amon Amarth, Zyklon, Dimmu Borgir, Evergray, Accept, EToS, Immortal, Mayhem, DF, At the Gates...Ok well if it's from Europe I love 99% of it EXCEPT Cradle of Filth I can't fucking stand them! I could go on forever and only a select few from the states. This is my IDOL Angela Gossow from Arch enemy, she's a better growler then most men!I have other types I like. I love Blues and Jazz and you're good old rock n roll. If you guys haven't heard Diablo Dimes You gotta check him out. I love it. I adore Johnny Cash and Elvis. I like a lot of different music. SOme isn't exspected but oh well. Best concert was probley Paul McCarthy, then of course there was ZZ Top with Mongomery Gentry haha I can never spell it! But yeah open minded and love it all. Which Dax Riggs are you?
You are Dax from the Acid Bath days. You're a bit rebellious and you probably cuss like a sailor, but you're a passionate person who has the ability to see beauty even in the darkest, most unlikely places. You probably still have some growing up and self-discovering to do, but youll make some amazing music along the way! Youre A metalhead at heart, baby!
Take this quiz !

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Nightmare on Elm Street, Boondock Saints, The Order, Donny Darko, Starship Troopers, yeah that's right I said it lol, Walk the Line, SLiding doors, most low budget cheesy horror flicks I could go on forever with this too.
Who Would Slaughter You in a Horror Movie? Find out @ She's Crafty
Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty
You are The Lips!

What Rocky Horror Picture Show Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Don't watch much of it, I rather have my nose ina book but in cases that I am watching TV it's usually something on National Geographic or Animal Planet otherwise I feel my brain cells wasting away. Always down for Rescue Me tho, fucking great!


Ishmael, All the Harry Potter books, Neverwhere, His Dark Materials Series, The Holy.....umm almost anything I can get my hands on, Beth knows how I roll when it comes to reading...


My mom, she is the strongest woman I know! Ozzy Osbourne because his music was there when no one else was, and my best friend Chris for just being there in general and for having the funniest laugh EVER!!!!Take the quiz:
What kind of eyes do you have?

Bloody Tears
your have bloody teared eyes. You eyes have seen much pain, either your pain or a friends pain. You cry with them, and for them. They are someone that has been there for you, no matter the situation, and you hate to see that person get put down, or talked about. Your a good friend to stay by their side and cry for them. But yourself you only cry in the darkness of your room, knowing that no one really cares about you, even thought thy really do.....

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Blog

For Someone...

Drain STH always had the right things to say on how I feel.... I Wish...Am I too corrosiveAm I just too weakAm I too contagiousAm I just a freakI wish that I could hold youI wish that I could hate you...
Posted by ~*The Hangman's Daughter*~ on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 12:13:00 PST

Things that piss me off....

I hate the fact I work 2 positions and don't even get paid enough for one let alone any reconation for my hard workI'm pissed because I wanna blast Pantera as loud as fucking possible but if I do the ...
Posted by ~*The Hangman's Daughter*~ on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:02:00 PST

Like no one knew....haha

You scored as Black Metalist. You love black metal the most, you like to study a lot about paganism, atheistsm and satanism, you are intelligent and know that devil worship is gay, you are also in...
Posted by ~*The Hangman's Daughter*~ on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 07:30:00 PST

A friends sent me this and it's soooo true!

READ THIS SLOWLY - IT'S A KEEPER FOR SURE. THERE ARE SO MANY TRUTHS IN IT.I believe-That we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.I believe-That no matter how good a friend...
Posted by ~*The Hangman's Daughter*~ on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 02:21:00 PST

Heavy Fucking Metal!

Here I am listening to Dimmu Borgir and missing my Colorado lifestyle of going to a concert every week. I miss giving my old roomate a heavy metal quiz before even considering goign to the show with h...
Posted by ~*The Hangman's Daughter*~ on Mon, 01 May 2006 04:10:00 PST