I'm the big, dumb looking guy... with the southern drawl... you're already deducting the IQ points aren't ya... good! That's right where I want ya...
One foot in today, one foot in tomorrow... neither can be mortgaged at the expense of the other.
Leave an impression... good or bad... get stares... make people think... and above all be honest, with yourself.
If I don't use my 9th life first, I plan to be the 50 year old guy in the middle of the pit... I'm already the oldest guy in there why stop now.
Softball... old man slow-pitch style is another favorite pass-my-time. Mens and Co-ed are both alot of fun. The type of people that play softball are usually out to have a good time and aren't too stuck up and softball chicks rule, too!
I've been called a cowboy cause of my hat, music, and trucks, but I'm really just a country boy... my horses are usually under the hood. I've actually gotten on as many bulls as I have horses! Definitely one of the biggest rushes of my life even though I wasn't any good.
I'm a truck and car nut... I love NASCAR and any type of grassroots racing. I almost always work on my own stuff. I also ride... currently have my old '72 Triumph back again. I want to build a custom and I'm trying to buy my buddy's CBX, too.
Here's my slowest ride...