Poker...Party...Girls...Canada...Anything entertaining...
Famous people...Atmosphere...Again...for Dirt and Frick...and for the first time for Wood...We wana meet cool people from around this area...and everywhere...for that matter...we just wana network..and meet everyone...even you...yeah you...
Atmosphere...P.O.S...Blueprint...O.A.R...Dave Matthews Band...Jack Johnson...and anything that sounds good...we kinda like it all to be honest with ya!
We would like to think...that one day...when we have enough blogs...we would right a book...and Publish it of course...and then we could read that...but other than that we dont read books unless we have to...We read the Paper alot...and Mags...and Cereal Boxes...but not so much on the books!
Not so much our heros...But more...Photos from our sure they will raise a little question in your mind...what on earth is this picture about?...well read the blog to find out! Matt-2t's...We Waited a long time For this Picture! Thanks Bud!!!Alicia Sportin The DWF Shirt!...Thanks A...Thank You Chelsie...pic is great!Jason Robb...He is off To IRAQ...for 18 months! Be Careful Kid...We Love You Brother!! DWF~ Butta "b-E-z" Perfect Execution Of The New Official DWF Hand Sign! Thanks Kid!!Dirts Little Sister...The Greatest Sister In the World!! ADAMULA!! Nice Shirt Kid! Even Dirt's Cousin (Presley) Rocks A DWF Shirt T-Bar and Noel With Bling Even...STEVEN...waited for about a year for this shirt! Thanks for the Pic Kid!~DEX...and SKYY...Sportin In Billings...Thanks Kids!Chris...Perfect Mirror Cell Phone Photo Kid...thanks!Thank Your Rachel...aka Pecan... ....THANK YOU JESSICA!!!! YOUR CHALK WORK IS AMAZING!!! .. If you want one Let us Know!.. .. ..