stuff and nonsense! Mainly going to gigs,piddling about with stuff, taking photographs, obtaining new ink on my skin, sneezing (cos everyone loves a good sneeze),smoking, drinking,dancing,mingling,chatting to randomers!
friends of some sort!
a bit of everything and then a tad bit more!mainly punk,rock,jangly stuff,disco,stuff to shake your arse to!
watership down,the lion king,jaws,a bit of tarrantino never hurt anyone and also gremlins!
i love my t.v! Stuff that gives you that tingly feeling or that kickass attitude feeling!And they said T.V wasn't influential!
all books are good. Fact.
batty paige,brody dalle, debbie harry,lionel ritchie,sharks,puppies,tattooists,my mum and dad,tim burton!