keoki surfboards profile picture

keoki surfboards

everything is flowing

About Me

"I'm a surfboard nerd," admits Keoki. Rightfully so-he has a degree in molecular biology, and a scientific background that has made his approach to surfboard building very analytical. As a former consultant to the Bishop museum in Honolulu Hawaii, Keoki has had privileged access to analyze boards that have spanned surfing's history, and it shows. One look at his shaping portfolio and one can ascertain that he has invested tremendous amounts of research and refinement into his designs. He shaped his first board 14 years ago, and has since developed a unique style which reflects a background that combines scientific inquiry, historical understanding, artistic innovation, and a love for surfing.-- exerpt from H30 Magazine

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Surfers who seek top quality surfboards


I made my myspace layout using

My Blog

state of the surfboard industry

I've been asked this question about every day this year, and i'm finally posting a response after responding to the question for a small surf mag -- The following is for those who really want to know ...
Posted by keoki surfboards on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 10:13:00 PST