lil' saint profile picture

lil' saint

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

.........anyone..............anything.........any tiny earthling.............from male to female.....from gay to lesbian......from young to long as we understand each oder and we can communicate...............hehehehehe............


........from r&b to rock..........from punk to rock.........anything called music.........


..................many to will not fit here.................sci-fi....teen movies....scary and spooky.........adventures....anything goes.........period.........bow.........hehehehe............

Television: particular t.v. shows...............perod...........bow............hehehehe. ...............

Books: not a book worm for sure..................not into reading........................books have pictures will do..........maybe adventure books will do.........sci-fi...........or even song hits...............bow.......period...........hehehehe...... .....


.............who serves their respective country.....defend their motherland........till the last drop of their life....thats what i called heroes....ready to die for freedom..........period........bow............hewheheheheh.. ....

My Blog

..LaB.. sUmWhErE i hAvE nEvEr tRaVeLLeD..

>-->i d0 n0t kN0w wHaT iT iS 'b0uT u dAt cLosEs aNd oPeNs; oNLy sUmThiN' iN mE uNdErStAnDs tHe v0icE oF u'R eYez iS dEePeR dAn aLL r0seS... nOb0dY,n0t eVen tHe rAiN, hAs sUcH sMaLL hAnDs...
Posted by lil' saint on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 09:19:00 PST