Drawing, painting, sculpting....cars, motorcycles, ... Zombies...The occassional comicbook and video game.
You are "Jajo the Patron Saint of clowns"
Which Mark Ryden Painting Are You?
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Heh... who else would I be?
Eagles of Death Metal, Dog Fashion Disco, Flaming Lips, NIN, Coldplay, Vast, Postal Service, Bjork, Pink Floyd, The Stones, Beastie Boys, Radiohead...
Donnie Darko, Mad Max, The Road Warrior, American Beauty, Memento, Se7en, Blackhawk Down, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Royal Tannenbaums, The Shining (well just about all Kubrik), True Romance, Old School, Better Off Dead
I Shouldn't Be Alive, American Chopper, The Simpsons
The Road (read this fucking book!), Under and Alone, Invisible Monsters
Sebastian Kruger, Simon Bisley, Phil Hale- all amazing artists.