Kin 147: Mano Auto-existente Azul Defino con el fin de conocer Midiendo la curación Sello el almacén de la realización Con el tono auto-existente de la formaMe guia el poder de la abundanciaYo Soy un Portal de Activación Galáctica.(I define in order to know Measuring healing I seal the store of accomplishment With the self-existing tone of form I am guided by the power of abundance I am a galactic activation portal enter me.)( Crono Psi es el (37) Kaban- Tierra Afirmacion: Disuelvo con el fin de evolucionar Divulgando la sincronÃa Sello la matriz de la navegación Con el tono espectral de la liberación Me guia mi propio poder duplicado.( 3ra Luna del Venado Electrico. El venado vive en el monte. Con valentÃa puede haber fama y riqueza, pero con la cobardÃa se pierde todo. Tpeyolotli "Corazón del monte" es también Tezcatlipoca, "el espejo que arde y humea". Lleva piel de Ocelortl: habla en la noche manda y cuida. Frente a él Quetzalcoatl "El señor chicome Acatl" siete carrizo el joven guerrero victorioso. Su palabra es caracol que avisa y reúne. Arriba hay armas, habrá dificultades. Abajo una cazuela con flores y frutas. habrá abundancia. A su lado esta la araña y una serpiente que es cortada. Hay ruptura o bien da inicio a un nuevo ciclo. Los nacidos en esta trecena se caracterizan por ser inquietos, sensitivos, atentos a lo que sucede, les gusta estar en libertad...- Yo soy el pan vivo bajado del cielo. Quien coma de este pan vivirá eternamente. Y el pan que yo daré es mi carne para la vida del mundo. Porque mi carne es verdadera comida y mi sangre es verdadera bebida. Quien come mi carne y bebe mi sangre habita en mà y yo en él. Como el Padre, que tiene la vida, y yo la tengo por el Padre, asà el que me come vivirá por mÃ. Éste es el pan bajado del cielo. No como aquel que comieron vuestros padres y murieron. El que coma de este pan vivirá eternamente. -Jesus... .. .. .. ..............
Manik(Maya),Masatl(Toltec)Deer.The deer was a very important figure in the Toltec tradition and is another representation of the Divinity. It is the main spiritual enticer that brings the seekers into the path of knowledge.In this card, we see a spiritual seeker looking for a sacred vision. The deer is the one who will bring the vision. On the right upper corner we see the symbol of Venus, the planet representing Quetzalcoatl. The seeker is seated on a sacred mountain named Kuluwakan. The double heads of the mountain represent Ometeotl, the divine duality of everything that exists.I now want to present here the story of the deer as it is told among the Wirrarika people (whom I call the surviving Toltec). It was told to me during the spiritual pilgrimages that I experienced with them over many years. The Wirrarika travel nearly 300 miles from the mountains where they live to their sacred places in the desert. My friend Tayau told me why:Tamatz Kahullumary is the blue-deer, and he is the one we are searching for when we do our yearly pilgrimage into the sacred land of Humun-Kulluaby in the desert. It was Kahullumary who started the tradition of making pilgrimages to the sacred lands in the desert.When the Kakayares (the Spirits) were organizing the world, humans didn’t know anything about pilgrimages, traditions, or looking for the Great Spirit. They just wanted to find food, eat, and survive. That was their only concern in life. But the Kakayares wanted the people to know about the spiritual forces among them. What was the point in having created humans and a world for them to live in if those humans knew nothing about the givers of their life?The Kakayares tried to call the people’s attention in every possible way, but they wouldn’t respond. They were too busy looking for food. Storms, forest fires, earthquakes, and all kinds of blessings were sent to the people in order for them to realize their sacred bond with the Spirits, but the humans didn’t respond to these signs as the Kakayares wanted. Because of this, the Spirits called Kahullumary. He was a Kakayare who was the holder of the Book of Knowledge, the sacred book that contains all the knowledge in the world.Kahullumary was assigned the task of attracting people to the path of knowledge. He was very smart and decided to trick the people by transforming himself into a blue deer. As a deer he showed himself to the people who were, of course, looking for food. When they saw him, they immediately wanted to hunt him because they imagined his meat would be good to eat.But the blue deer was very fast and not easy to catch. As the people kept chasing him, he would run and run and run, taking them far away from the lands in which they lived. He kept running and the people kept chasing him, until they arrived in the desert, in the sacred land of Humun Kulluaby that we call the Blue Land (la tierra azul).Then something extraordinary took place: as Kahullumary was running, in his footprints buttons of Hikuri (the sacred peyote) sprouted everywhere he went. The people could not catch him, for he was so fast. When the people reached exhaustion, they took a break to rest. They were hungrier than ever. In their despair, they looked around for anything to eat, and then they saw the Hikuri on the ground. Not knowing what it was, they ate it expecting it to be food. But instead they had dreams about the Spirits. They thought they were asleep but they were awake, dreaming. That is how, for the first time, they could see the blue deer not as food but as a teacher. They discovered Kahullumary’s sacred book and started to read it. In it they found the proper way to live and what our task in life is.And this is how the whole pilgrimage tradition started, right there in the Blue Land that we also call The Paradise. That is why our pilgrimage is called, among other names, The Journey of Kahullumary.
Fidel Nadal,Nonpalidece,Black Uhuru,Midnite,Gondwana,Bob Marley,Chala Madre,Manu Chau,Cultura Profetica.. S.O.S Cabo Polonio!! Manu Chao