hannan profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

a sensitive 'little girl' hehe who is obsess with teddy bears!!!really luv them..people says i'm cute but i think it's for my plum cheeks hahaha..i know la i'm not that skiny as i was before..ahaks=)i luv cute stuffs..sometimes gurlie..sometime not..sometime i'm funny..sometimes i'm serius..i luv making new frens..not forgeting my old frens..ther's always be best to me..well they know be better..=)

My Interests

i like bears!!!..art & design..history of world landscape..nature..other world cultures..archeologhy..cooking delicious dishes..hang out with my frens and love ones..window-shopping..looking forward for good bargain..collecting comics esp conan,ranma..i really loves cartoons!!

I'd like to meet:

anyone who know me or wanna be my fren..ur all invite=)


i dont really love to go to movies..perfer to watch at home


MY BELOVED DADDY...mohd shukri othman..