Full name: brittany bernier
Age: 16
Bday: september 5 1990
Siblings: 4 lil bors and 2younger sis and one older sis
school: conval high school (sux)
birthplace: keene
eye color: dont have one it changes every day
hair color: strawberry BLONDE
height: 5'5''
crush on sumone? in love wit some one
kissed sumone in the past month? yupp
whats better: kisses. cuddeling? yupp
virgin? yup
have u ever wanted to die? nope
have u ever thought of killing sumone? nope
got in a fist fight? yes he he i won
last relationship?
ever been in love? i am now
thought about getting married? yes
want to have kids? maybe if im happy with the guy im with
person u have huggen: steven
person u have kissed: steven
person u wanted to punch: robin
swore: uummm the other day
movie u watched: mi iii
person u talked to on the phone: hopee
person u were thinking of: steven
drank: diet pepsi
smoked: never in a milloin years
ate: chips
For or against.
long distance relationships: yes i hated it
using sumone: yes!
killing sumone: not if it is self defence
premarital sex: nope
gay/lesbian relationships: what ever makes u happy
abortion: i dont like it
racisim: hate races ppl
soap operas: boring
Food: ice cream
Song: the world
thing to do: shoppin
movie: save the last dance
t.v show: mtv
person: there r 2 steven and hopee
drink: rootbeer
store: spencers
holiday: my birthday!
cartoon: Scooby Doo
season: summer
sport: swimming
Have you ever.
been dumped: yup
been drunk: nope
been high: nope
shoplifted: yess
snuck out of the house: yess
done anything with a stranger: not really
kissed on new years: nope
went ice skateing: yess
gone clubbin: nope
cheated on a bf/gf: nope thats wroung
skipped skool: yes
lied to a friend: no
wish u could go back in time: yes
either or.
night. day. night
funny. serious. funny
shy. outgoing. outgoing
smart. dumb. dumb
candy. flowers. flowers
handholding. kiss. kiss
peircings. tatoos. peircings
poems. storys. poems
wild. laid back. wild
couldnt live without: steven and hopee
would die if: got shot
could watch over and over again and not get sick of: save the last dance
want to be in love: i am
like to read: if i like the book
get good grades: sometimes
want a bf/gf: have one
feel loved: yes verry loved
lazy: nope
Things people dont know
Things people dont know..
People dont know how much I missed u
People dont know how much I loved u
People dont know a lot about me and u
I thought u weir the 1 for me
I thought u would love me as much as I loved u
Sometimes I dont know what to do with out u
I guess I dont know a lot ether
But what I do know is I loved u
And u broke my heart.this is a poem that i wrote
after my last botfriend broke up with me
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I know i havent known you very long, and i shouldnt be asking this so soon, but i really need it badly, i havent had it for a while, and i can feel it going in good and hard, and coming out nice and soft..if you would do this for me no one would ever know, im sure you could satisfy my needs, and i'd be very grateful, if you would, im very desperate and i need your help, you must think by now i have a lot of nerve, but i can feel my tounge wrapping around it and sucking out all the juices until its very dru, im not going to hesitate any longer, so can i have a piece of gum !
Bis forBewildering
Ris forRomantic
Iis forIntelligent
Tis forTolerant
Tis forTwisted
Ais forAlert
Nis forNutty
Yis forYoung
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♥ all my best besteset friends r my heros!! ♥