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I am here for Networking

About Me

Fred Voltastario is my frog. he used to be sleeping like a log. one day he heard a marvellous beat, so he woke up and got on his feet. and since that, he has been in ecstasy MyGen Profile Generator and can't stop dancing! ouch..

My Interests

main main lego dan beli paket mainan mcd

I'd like to meet:

everyone.. and of course rully annash :)


the puppini sisters . eggstone . hellogoodbye . instant cytron . the libertines . the rapture . nouvelle vague . beaumont . sondre lerche . jim noir . beastie boys . noonday undreground . sexsmith & kerr . the bees . 10 ft ganja plant . jamie lidell . etc


james and the giant peach . fear and loathing in las vegas . spirited away . the science of sleep . american splendor . airplane . etc


courage and the cowardly dog . shaun the sheep


if you give a pig a pancake by: laura numerrof


hiro nakamura