My main interest is motorsports especially stuff like Formula 1, gokarting, Formule Renault, f3. I like sport in general and expecially golf, football & fitness. I'm an asian cultur freak and especially about japan, my other interests are cocking, old video games, hardcore shopping and chilling with my friends
Rock, J-pop, J-rock, Dangudt, Thai Morlum, visula kei, and a bit of electronic music. Bands such as Schwimmbad, Kidnap, Yeah Yeah Yes ,Lolita, Mae Wo, Generation X, Billy Idol, Jolin Tsai, Dangdut, Sebastian, Sex pistols, Bligg, Jon dählback, soran, Yuki Kimura, Love boom, Public image limited,SMAP,Parapara music eurobeat
Horror movies and french funny movies in general Ringu, The eyes etc.... I also enjoy watching old 80's movies or funny/crazy movies such as Cutie Honey
Fashion TV, sport(mainly motorsport,football & golf), japanese tv series such as: Beautiful life, Pride, Engine Long Love Letter, Hero, Ayaka's surprise english lesson, etc...
My favorites are: Rotten - john Lydon (former sexpistols) La monarchie au XX eme siecle - Yves-Marie Adeline Buddha - La marche a la lumiere Anna Gavalda - Je l aimais