Renee profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

LOVable,Soft-cheekY-geNtle, fuLl of PassIon,...dImpLes. Ambitious, out spoken, an achiever, aromaticcaly suga-suga,dances,a performer,raves, dreams wild, kicks ass, envied by others. I aM paP's(king) liL pWinCess, I miSh my PalaCe (home) and eSpeciaLLy my ToweR(room). I adore pReTTy oRnaMentS,cuDDly tOys,cAndLes,the cOlouR PinK Love beAutifuL thiNgs anD peoPle tOo. What defines me is how well I rise after I fall. Thrills makes me want MoReEE... I am the human version of a Chopard HaPPy SnoWflaKe!!!

My Interests

clOtheS, deNim, CuRls, haiR brUsh, lonG walks, jUicY bIts, miLk, slurPinG, lollies, caRtier "caNdy" sTicks, moOn duSt, thOngs, tasTing, travelLing, tOus jeWellRy, JoY rIdeS, sTarIng uP the GalaXie of StaRs, religion, worKing ouT-shap up, buBBle batHs, laMbada grooVes, tHursDay nIteS at ZouK wiF my *Bling-BlinK* daNceRs, surPrisess makes me go GaGa!! irritating, bullyin', chekkyin' guRlfreNs, pamperin' loved ones.

I'd like to meet:

anyone with sTYLe + SensatioN = the BolD anD THe BeaUtifUl....err....uneXpeCted, tRasHed, CreaTive, eXpoSed anD the who-huh-WhaT haPpeNd ones are fine with Me really.


NoTTinG HiLL, I aM saM(sob to it), grEaSE, RomeO & jUlIet, rIdinG iN caRs wIf BoyS, Man oN fiRe(a musT see), cRazY/bEautiFu


The HOLY Bible(contagious)

My Blog


Posted by Renee on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 10:21:00 PST