clOtheS, deNim, CuRls, haiR brUsh, lonG walks, jUicY bIts, miLk, slurPinG, lollies, caRtier "caNdy" sTicks, moOn duSt, thOngs, tasTing, travelLing, tOus jeWellRy, JoY rIdeS, sTarIng uP the GalaXie of StaRs, religion, worKing ouT-shap up, buBBle batHs, laMbada grooVes, tHursDay nIteS at ZouK wiF my *Bling-BlinK* daNceRs, surPrisess makes me go GaGa!! irritating, bullyin', chekkyin' guRlfreNs, pamperin' loved ones.
anyone with sTYLe + SensatioN = the BolD anD THe BeaUtifUl....err....uneXpeCted, tRasHed, CreaTive, eXpoSed anD the who-huh-WhaT haPpeNd ones are fine with Me really.
NoTTinG HiLL, I aM saM(sob to it), grEaSE, RomeO & jUlIet, rIdinG iN caRs wIf BoyS, Man oN fiRe(a musT see), cRazY/bEautiFu
The HOLY Bible(contagious)