Metal pl0x!
This Girl is my world, my heart, my soul. She's what keeps me going every day. Without her, my world would collapse. I'd literally go insane. I've lost her before, &believe me, it killed me inside. I never want that to happen again. EVER. I've had my doubts about whether or not she's here to stay. And every time she amazes me.
she's more than just my girlfriend. She's my soul mate. Most importantly, she's my BEST FRIEND. What's key in our relationship is that we can just be ourselves. Our strange, weird selves. We can sit for hours just making funny faces&we never get bored. We write each other cute, random, silly notes. Even if the note is totally irrelevent, it makes perfect sense to us. That's just the type of bond we have.
We come in a package. Hayley&Matt, Matt&Hayley. Where she goes, I go, &vice versa. That's how its going to be forever.
She shows me more love&compassion than anyone I've ever known. She makes me feel special, like I'm worth something. She can make me smile no matter how distraught I am. Her smile makes me see clearer, it filters out everything bad in my life. She's there for me when no one else knows I'm alive. She's always there to dry my eyes when I cry. She's always there to hold me tight when I'm falling apart. She keeps me strong.
Nothing&no one will ever come close to her. No one's kiss could ever match mine as perfectly as hers. No one's hand could ever fit so right with mine. No one's eyes have as much light as hers. And no one's love will ever be as pure.
Our love has stood the tests of time&the hardest choices. Even with all our tears&struggles, we've managed to pull through. If anything, it made our love that much stronger. Every bad experience is simply an obstacle for us to overcome. And I know we'll withstand it every time.
Our love is something I thought only existed in books&movies. I never imagined I'd find someone so caring, so precious, so perfect. I never thought I deserved something that extraordinary. And its something I'll never give up.
She's my Pretty Blue eyed blonde.
My dream come true...