* Theresa * profile picture

* Theresa *

I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile, I keep dancing!

About Me

I'm a someone learning to live one day at a time, while trying to make the most of each new day that's given to me.... with ALOT of help from the One above! 8) ***********************************************************I love my Saviour, Jesus Christ... without Him life holds little meaning 4 me! God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and 2 amazing children! ***********************************************************M y interests are my family, MUSIC, writing, reading, art, nature, computers, living healthy and staying fit.... and I especially love to love & encourage others in the Lord. I was born in October and I'm between 35 and 45 years of age (a girl's gotta keep sum secrets... smiles!) ***********************************************************B ut, to really break it down... I'm a petite brunette with a big heart, who LOVES learning how to live life to its fullest in ALL areas of life.... as promised to us in John 10:10! ***********************************************************O ne thing I'm personally struggling to move forward with, is -- standing firm on the promises of God despite how the circumstances around me look. Each day we have a choice to believe or walk in doubt & discouragment. We have a choice to choose 'life' or 'death' in our actions and our re-actions; in our behavior and in our thought life. ***********************************************************G od is able to breathe "life" into our circumstances when we walk by faith and not by sight... when we look to Him and not to our own understanding and strength (proverbs 3:5,6,7). But... we have to die to self, if we wanna find life in Him. ***********************************************************F or most my life I have battled with depression, and so realistically I don't easily die to self because of it... I've fallen many times... but God is always so graciously there to encourage me forward! When I turn to Him in my troubles (instead of to hopelessness & anger), it's amazing the difference it makes in my outlook & perspective each day! ***********************************************************I believe when we seek God's Kingdom and His righteousness FIRST, the things we have need of will follow, as promised in Matthew 6:25-34. But... we're also instructed in Matthew 7 to keep on asking, seeking and knocking, and to be as persistant as the widow in Luke 18, who would not give up knocking on the door for what she had need of. That's faith unceasing! ***********************************************************S o... I'm learning to walk by faith and not by sight... because the christian life is about believing first, THAN receiving. There's a line I recently heard in a movie I watched, which I really felt connected so much to our biblical teaching - "We do not believe because we see... we see BECAUSE we believe". ***********************************************************C an I encourage you, as I do myself, to NOT throw in the towel but to keep the boxing gloves on, and know that we're in a battle that God has already won for us... we WILL overcome. ***********************************************************T his is a little of where I'm at right now. It's a battle every day for me to become more spirit-led than flesh-fed.... but onward I march. I'm hoping to find other fellow warriors & travelors along the way, who will keep loving and praying and encouraging one another to move forward in life's journey together toward the prize!(Dan Fogelberg - "Believe In Me" video)(Family Photo - 2007)
(Random Family Pics)(My drawing of Jesus, burdened 4 lost souls)
Get a spiffy layout like this at My Space or Yours?

My Interests

God, family & friends, life, love, meeting new people, movies, reading, writing, art, living healthy and staying fit.... and GREEEEAT MUSIC!!!

TO ORDER RICKY BYRUM'S "TIME TO RISE" CD, CLICK ONTO THE CD COVER PICTURE.... OR TO LISTEN TO HIS NEWEST SINGLE (Take Me to the Mountain), CLICK ONTO HIS PICTURE ABOVE TO GO TO HIS MYSPACE SITE ********************************RICKY BYRUM IS AVAILABLE FOR ROCK PERFORMANCES, ACOUSTIC AND SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS. YOU CAN CONTACT RICKY AT: [email protected]... OR THERESA AT: [email protected]************************************** *********************(Video below.. Bryan Duncan - When It Comes To Love)(The Imperials - 'Water Grave')(The Imperials - 'Wrap My Arms Around the World')(The Imperials - 'Beautiful Day')(Gino Vannelli - 'Crazy Life')(Gino Vannelli - 'I Just Wanna Stop'... a smoother, jazzier version)(Bryan Duncan & NehoSoul photo, taken by Nigel Skeet)

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wants to be my friend... smile!(What Jesus Did 4 U and Me!)


I love a variety of music - from easy listening to rock....no one genre. But I guess the genre(s) I lean toward mostly would be soul/funk/jazz/blues/r and b... and the sound & passion of the 70's (I grew up in it)!!! I enjoy certain types of accoustic and instrumentals. I can also get into swing, classical, folk, country, bluegrass... but it really all depends on how it flows. 8)(Videos.. Bryan Duncan and NehoSoul - 'Step by Step')(Bryan Duncan and NehoSoul - 'Wheels of a Good Thing')(John Schlitt - 'Show me the Way')(Darrell Mansfield)(David Phelps - "No More Nights")(Bryan Duncan - "Don't Ya Wanna Rap")(Bryan Duncan - "Mr. Baily's Daughter)


I prefer movies based on true stories, or to be inspirational, encouraging, meaningful, uplifting & thought-provoking... but I do enjoy a good laugh, too.


I'm not into weekly TV shows too much, although I do enjoy watching biographies on the lives of others. Usually I prefer watching a movie instead. When American Idol is on, however, then you will find me glued to the TV set.... I love that show.... and what an amazing group of talented kids there are this season!!!


Books that help one to live life to its fullest - like the Bible! I'm currently reading "The Difference Maker" by John C. Maxwell. Excellent book!


JESUS.... and those who can still smile through their tears!!!
Come lay beside the lion/My lost and lonely lamb/Don't rest among the dying/Who place their trust in men/But come and join the living/And rise up from your sleep/Receive the gift God's giving/And life is yours to keep (Theresa)

My Blog

We are Gems hidden in bits of Clay

..TR> ..TR> We are Gems hidden in bits of Clay  ..TABLE> ..TR> A man was exploring caves by the Seashore. Inone of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunchof hardened clay balls. It ...
Posted by * Theresa * on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 01:25:00 PST

The ’Garbage Truck’ Behaviour

..TR> ..TR> 'Garbage Truck' Behaviour  ..TABLE> ..TR> I recieved this 'forward' email recently, and thought it would make an excellent blog because it's something we ALL face every day, ...
Posted by * Theresa * on Tue, 13 May 2008 11:11:00 PST

Amazing Heaven & Hell Experience!

..TR>..TR>Amazing heaven and Hell experience, after death! ..TABLE>..TR>This is a very amazing story of a man who died and experienced heaven AND hell before he was brought back to life. Most people w...
Posted by * Theresa * on Wed, 07 May 2008 11:18:00 PST


..TR> ..TR> Dangers of chemicals in Plastic Tuesday, May 6, 2008 - 9:06 AM ..TABLE> ..TR> Here's some interesting and important info on plastic I was just reading about, which I just had to s...
Posted by * Theresa * on Tue, 06 May 2008 09:18:00 PST

"All That Night"... (Exodus 14:21)

..TR> ..TR> "All That Night"... (Exodus 14:21) Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - 10:39 AM ..TABLE> ..TR> "All that night the Lord drove the sea back." (Exodus 14:21)In this verse, there is a comfor...
Posted by * Theresa * on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 08:48:00 PST

Freedom from Negative thoughts & Strongholds!

..> ..> Freedom from Negative Thoughts! Friday, February 29, 2008 - 12:07 PM ..> ..> I'm sure I'm not alone in this..... Here's some fantastic truth into overcoming strongholds and bondage...
Posted by * Theresa * on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 10:17:00 PST

A Self-Made Prison

I signed up to receive newsletters from Life Today (the James Robison show)... and I recieved this write-up a few months back.  I didn't read it at the time.... it became forgotten and just today...
Posted by * Theresa * on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 06:09:00 PST

Science VS. God... very thought provoking!

..> ..> Science VS. God.... very thought provoking! Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 1:36 PM ..> ..> Many of you may have read this already... it's been passed around the internet a few times...
Posted by * Theresa * on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:53:00 PST

Very Important Information for Men!!!

********************** DAN FOGELBERG *********************..http://imageshack.us">.. src="http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/6281/aayoungsweaterj c0.jpg" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us"/...
Posted by * Theresa * on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 10:19:00 PST

Something Beautiful God is Teaching Me.....

..> ..> Something Beautiful God is Teaching Me..... Tuesday, December 4, 2007 - 10:11 AM ..> In regards to a blog a friend of mine recently did, in which she asked, "What's something beautif...
Posted by * Theresa * on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 08:46:00 PST