cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles, dancing awkwardly, asymmetrical haircuts, bodega drinking, smoky nyc bars, makeshift carpentry, r'n'r, and films, films until my eyes pop out.
South-American-Euro-girls and gay boy hustlers
add n to x, black box recorder, interpol, ladytron, le tigre, pulp, new order, antonius block, susu, mommy and daddy, confetti system, the ballet.
Fitzcarraldo, Vivre Sa Vie, Mirror, Night Porter, Fallen Angels, The Hunger
The Golden Girls, Twin Peaks
Memoirs of the Blind, Invitation to a Beheading, Petrolio, A Thousand Plateaus, The Perfect Crime, Camera Lucida, Crash, Story of the Eye, Death in Midsummer.
fassbinder, goddard, bresson, polanski, tarkovsky, wong kar wai