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The "Ultimate"

About Me

NASCAR...NASCAR...NASCAR I'm one of those guys that will pop a beer at 7am in Hawaii when the green flag drops when they are racing on the east coast. I love to go out and dance, play pool, or just staying at home and partying with friends. If there's a bar open that has Kareoke going on, that's where you'll find me...jamming out the rock songs the others can't do. Any other time I'll be out on my Harley Vrod tearing up the pavement with my pipes so loud, people tend to hang up their cell phones or TRY to turn up their radios. I'll try anything once...twice if I THINK I may have liked it. I'm one of those guys that you really don't know what I'll say or do at any point in time. Just hang on and be ready to laugh. My mother taught me to open doors for the ladies...even if she's being a b****. I enjoy playing in alot of different sports and have had a couple of broken bones from playing too hard. I've been all over the world in my travels in the Navy from Europe, the carribean to pacific area ports and have memories for several lifetimes. Ask me sometime and I'll tell you where all I've been. You can hang with me if: You can down a couple of Jaeger-bombs or straight up Jaeger shots and still carry on a decent conversation, you have a warped and easy sense of humor, you can laugh at yourself, you aren't petty or catty, you view body-shots as a legitimate way to consume alcohol, you like NASCAR and can hang with the "caution shot rules". Did I mention the sense of humor? sports layout @ HOT
You Are a Hunter Soul
You are driven and ambitious - totally self motiviated to succeed Actively working to acheive what you want, you are skillful in many areas. You are a natural predator with strong instincts ... and more than a little demanding. You are creative, energetic, and an extremely powerful force.An outdoors person, you like animals and relate to them better than people. You tend to have an explosive personality, but also a good sense of humor. People sometimes see you as arrogant or a know it all. You tend to be a bit of a loner, though you hate to be alone.Souls you are most compatible with: Seeker Soul and Peacemaker Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?Click here to get your own Unique Contact Box - Over 1270 to choose from

My Interests

NASCAR...NASCAR...NASCAR. If I'm not watching it every week in my home, you'll find me in the infield at Talledega, Atlanta, or Daytona. If you've never been, you are missing one hell of a party. I am very good at singing Creed and rock songs at Kareoke. I play a mean game of pool and have recently learned to play craps while I was in Australia. CRAPS!! Just have to learn to STOP playing after four hours of slamming down Long island iced teas. haha. I can dance to anything, including some salsa and swing. I like to hang out with friends and be myself, not having a care in the world what others think. If they don't get it, fuck em. Don't have time for them.

I'd like to meet:

Dale Jr.Robert Jordan, so I can slap him for going crazy with the Wheel of Time books. Johnny Depp cuz he's my favorite versatile actor. Jenna know.Your results:
You are Superman Superman 90% Green Lantern 90% Iron Man 85% Batman 80% The Flash 80% Spider-Man 65% Supergirl 65% Wonder Woman 60% Catwoman 60% Hulk 55% Robin 50% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...


Who doesn't like the old rock and roll songs? I am more into rock and roll and dance songs than I will ever be into country. Not saying that I don't like SOME country...just not my cup of tea. Not typical for a NASCAR fan, I know, but who gives a shit? I listen to just about everything depending on the mood of the moment.


Anything that has things getting blown up or makes me laugh. You can even get me to watch a "chick flick" once in a while.


I watch alot of Discovery channel. I hate reality TV shows though they somehow always seem to be on. I find them funny in a warped sort of way. Science fiction shows get some attention as well...but I don't watch that much TV anyhow.


I'm a science fiction and fantasy buff. Give me swords, magic and dragons and I'll read it. Most notable favorite authors are Weiss and Hickman, Robert Jordan. Also been reading a book that I'd never thought I'd read. A book about Zen of all things. Its opening my eyes to how we view the world and try to live through it.


Dale Sr. All the men and women who put thier lives on the line to fight to make this world a better place to live in.