Friends & Family, The Party, horror movies, Califronia, lots of music, punk, rock and roll, Glam rock, thrash and hair fucking metal, psychobily, good old school hardcore,classic rock,outlaw country, the state of Pennsylvania, going to shows, spending money on records,dvds, and obscure old movies, scream queens, meeting new people who arent pretentious, Donnie Darko, ROcky Horror, the city, reading,B cinema, David Lynch. DOing the time warp,tattoo's, and trying to be positive...
The Warriors
Rock n' Roll
And the Real Hip Hop
THE SHINING, What is it?, Clockwork Orange, Texaschainsaw Massacre (74)May,Pee Wee's big adventure,True Romance, Return of the living Dead, SLEEPAWAY CAMPS.The Warriors, BLUE VELVET, Basket case,Labrynth,Maniac,Blues Brothers, Footloose,Nightmare on Elmstreet,Friday13th,Night of the demons,HAPPINESS,Palindromes OR anything by Todd Solenz, King of New York, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, 28 days later, Eternal Sunshine, Thrashin, Evil Dead, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Karate Kid, Breakin, WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER, Devils Rejects, The Convent,Psycho,BATTLE ROYALE, Ghostworld, Trick or Treat, Truth or Dare, American Beauty, Drugstore Cowyboy,Dead Alive,Heathers, DAZED AND CONFUSED, Meet the Feebles, Crash, Monster Squad, American Nightmare,Dawn and Day of the Dead, Repo Man, TAXI DRIVER, The Wanderers, Bubba Ho-tep, Zombie, LIFE AQUATIC, Shaun of the Dead, High Tension, Last House on the left, THE WEDDING SINGER, Anything John Waters, Stanley Kubrick, Tarrantino, Burton, anything with this guy...
Freaks and Geeks,Tales from the crypt, the wonder years, the adventure of Pete and Pete, The Twighlight zone,Twin Peaks, the cosby's.
The Rum Diary, Profoundly Disturbing, A Clockwork Orange, Helter Skelter,Affliction, One flew over the Cuckoos Nest, linnea quigley's bio and chainsaw book,Stupid White men, Misery, American Psycho
Terrance and JoanEli Roth