the correct spelling on everrthing, an proper ing-lesh :) i plan to be a teacher for 8th. graders
 women who know wat there doin
Anything with a bump to "jump" up the music
I saw the one with angelina jo leans ... she was hott. I always tell my homies at work that it looks like a.. an orange (u know...tanned professionally) umpa lumpa butt of willy wonka and the chocolate factory, they laugh, one of many jokes 24/7....its me, and you can't change who I u feel the sameway??????? :)
 This is where i put my "about me" section, cuz u gonna read it, lol:     doin alright in jc, an lovin life and no regrets... It only made me of how i am today, no regrets once again, life is good and bad, u understand me???? Can you comprehen me..... can a bullet go through you, can my words get through you, if ya answered NO, then shoot yourself.
Let your imagination fill your thoughts, or vise versa :)
My brother stephan!!! older brother who thinks he's strong as a bull,cuz he drinks redbulls and has wings lol we all know i can wrap him up like a preztel an then salt his ass now we all know the true answer to that lol