~C-fuzzles~ profile picture


Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. Jim Rohn

About Me

Contact Tables @ Marksgraphichelp.com

"You don't have to change that much for it to make a great deal of difference. A few simple disciplines can have a major impact on how your life works out in the next 90 days, let alone in the next 12 months or the next 3 years." Jim Rohn - My mentor. Food for thought everyone. EAT UP!

What up all yous crazy peeps?!? After graduating from college, my art work have been published in 4 books: The Poliquin Principle by Charles Poliquin, Movement that Matters, Golf Biomechanics Book, and the latest How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy by Paul Chek. Check these out if you're a big exercise fanatic. I worked for Paul Check for nearly 5 years. I got most of my work published all over the world with his seminar courses, manuals, books, and hundreds of articles in magazines and medical journal. Check out the site at www.chekinstitute.com. You'll see a picture of me there under the articles link. (yeah, I do a little modeling. ha ha, yeah right! I'm also featured in some of his exercise videos: High performance Core Conditioning.

More on my art: I recent started airbrushing again. I first began doing airbrushing in 1993 for 3 months. I got so good that I was asked to do a comic book background layout and teach a class at the Ink Spinners Art School. I stopped to pursue my football endeavors in Boulder, CO and tried out for the Buffs. I didn't make it, but I had fun in college. =) Now back again airbrushing and loving it. I'm looking forward to posting my work on this site as time goes by. "My skills are complete, Now I am the Master!" I'm also pursuing my film career: acting, directing, and mostly screenwriting. Laters!

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My Interests

Other than being an Awesome Artist, My real passion is health and exercising.

I'm a Certified C.H.E.K Practitioner Level II. I specialized in Spinal Pathologies and Primal Movement Patterns. I'm not taking any clients right now, but any advice I could give to people, I'm always willing to help. I'm focusing on qualifying for the 2006 American Open for Olympic Weightlifting.

I love being competitive. I've played football, and wrestled in high school. I was too small (120lbs), but I always have the Heart and Determination. I got into bodybuilding: 2nd place teen 1990, 4th 1991 Mr. Colorado, 2nd again in my final show 1997 Northern Colorado Championships. Lost by a point. Arg! Should have taken more than 6 weeks to prepare for it. That's my profile pic. As I mentioned, I'm competing in Olympic Weightlifting. My goal is qualify and compete in the 2006 American Open at the 69 kg class (151 lbs.) Thank god I just made my weight class(8-06). I got long road to hopefully competing in the Olympics in Bejing, China 2008. Wish me luck!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with something good to say. I hung out with all of the clicks in High school and to this day. From the Jocks to the nerds, to the hardcore Thrashers! to the prom queen. I'm open minded when it comes to meeting people. The only exception that I have with hanging out with people is that they are like minded: Positive attitude, constantly learning, financially literate, and care about their health. I learn a lot from other people's points of view. Friends, always looking new ones.


DJ Tiesto Baby!

Paul Van Dyke, Paul Oakenfold, Hip Hop, Rap (dude I used to Break Dance) Our B-Boi Group was called, "The Midnight Turners." Cuz we danced until midnight. We were kids so we couldn't stay up latter than that. lol. I try to bust a move now, but all I do is Break something. lol. Gotten to love the Oldies. Dance Techno, R&B. I guess everything but country. Well a few a country music. I just like watching the music videos with the hot Country Chicks.Danity Kane! I love watching MTB3. I love girls who can dance and sing.


I love the Movies. Steven Spielberg Fan! George Lucas Films. Pixar Animations: Bugs Life, Incredibles, Finding Nemo. Disney (Beauty and the Beast should have won Best Picture. but I like Silence of the Lambs too which won that year.) Band of Brothers Series Saving Private Ryan. Scarface. Godfather series. Boyz in Da Hood. Gladiator. BraveHeart. Better off Dead. Weird Science. Goonies. Man, too many to list. Last but not least: The Princess Bride I love every kind of movies which is why I'm writing screenplays now. Hopefully you'll see my movies and like them too.


Can you say "Too much reality shows?" I like watching people with drama so that I won't have any in my life. Not only could you learn from successful people, but also learn from Failure. "Don't Do what these People Did." I think Failure should have seminars.


Lots of good Personal Development Books. I have over 65 so far in my library. Here's a few: Rich, Dad. Poor Dad. Think and grow Rich. How to win Friends and Influence people. How to Eat, Move, and Be Healthy. Golf Biomechanics, Movement that matters. Screenplay and Screenplay workbook by Syd Field. One of my favorites: Acres of Diamonds. --- Must Read Metabolic Typing, Unleash the Power Within, and the list goes on. I listen to a lot of CD's of personal development in my car. A college education on wheels. You spend an average of 2 hours in the car. Music is nice. Feeding your mind is priceless.


My biggest Hero is my father. Bless his Soul. Even though you're not with us, I know you're still taking care of us. Thanks for watching over me and whole family. Once I win the Olympic Gold medal, I'll dedicate it to you. I love you Papa. Courage is defined as, "A person who is willing to do despite the fear!" which is( False Evidence Appearing Real.) For all of you who is Brave enough to pursue your dreams and endeavors and have the determination to become, have, achieve all you want. Do or Die: YOU ARE MY HERO!

My Blog

You can Change the World

Don't think you can change the world? I've been following the advice written below for the last 8 years, and it has made the biggest difference in my life.  Enjoy:The following is written on the ...
Posted by ~C-fuzzles~ on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 07:17:00 PST

Fight for Freedom

Last week, I opened up my e-mail from one of my e-zines I subsribe to at mercola.com.  It's a Health and Well-being site where I gather a good source of information.  One link was to a site ...
Posted by ~C-fuzzles~ on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 06:33:00 PST

8-5-06 Rocky Mountain State Games Olympic Weightlifting

Hey Peeps, what up from Colorado Springs?!? Here's the video clips of my 6 lifts from Saturday's Competition.  My 12 year old niece took these shots.  Thanks Julia!  It's a little shak...
Posted by ~C-fuzzles~ on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 11:50:00 PST


Achieving Your Dreams by Jim Rohn While most people spend most ...
Posted by ~C-fuzzles~ on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 08:13:00 PST