Music, Poetry.....(Art), Indians, Nature, ...
new/cold/darkwave, post/punk/rock/grunge, psychodelic music, music from the Rhodopa mountain ... sound of the BG bagpipe, Native American Music (Indian Sacred Spirit) and ...
Voinata na taralejite, Kraq na pesenta, Toplo, Pismo do America, Margarit i Margarita, the Doors, Charley and the Chocolate factory, Dancer in the Dark, Legends for the Passion, Trainspotting,
Antoine De Sain-Exupery - Malkiqt Princ// Dobri Jotev - Vliubeni Sluntza//Geo Milev - Jestokiqt prusten//P.Qvorov//Nikola Vaptzarov//Hristo Smirnenski//Valeri Petrov//D.Voev...
my mother