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There are some days when no matter what I say it feels like I'm far away in another country & wh

About Me

Hoo boy...I hate this shit. And isn't that how every one of these starts out? Color me cliche.
To begin, PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE along with your friend request, if you would be so kind. Unless you are 100% sure that I will add you. (Which basically means that I have to know you already and you have to be pretty sure I like you okay.) Don't tempt fate, people. Bands and musicians play by the same rules. Be forewarned...I'm picky about my music. (There are a few lucky souls who made it on my friend list, though, so keep the faith. And I'm not too proud to admit that if you're a cute girl, it won't hurt your chances.)
Born and bred Montana girl trying to find my way in the world. Thinking that this nursing thing just might be the lighted path.
Um...I love everything. Really. I try to find the beauty in everything. (Yes, yes, color me cliche again. Whatever. I can take it. And, what's more? I'll find beauty in it! Cuz that's what I do.)
OK, but that's a cop-out. Mostly? I love my family and friends, without whom I would be nothing. (Hey! You already colored me cliche. Now it's time to stop.) It's really, really hard to piss me off to the point where you are unforgiven. However, if you want to try, disrespect any of the trusted circle of folks that I surround myself with and you will no longer receive the time of day.
It's also really, really hard to have me completely trust you. So, if you believe that you're in that trusted circle, feel special. (Awww, you just got warm fuzzies, didn't you?) It either takes an extraordinary bond, which I have only found with a few people, or a lot of years, or both. So, if you didn't just get warm fuzzies, don't be discouraged. Be patient with me and you just might get there.
I love Missoula. Really, I do. Fucking love Missoula. I used to entertain the notion of moving elsewhere. You know, for the "experience". Ah, fuck it. There's so much to be experienced wherever one is. (Which isn't to say I'll never ever leave...let's leave our options open. Let's just say that I have no compelling reason to do so at this point in time.) I can't abide leaving the place I call home, just to see what's different. Call me naive, call me what you will. (But really, stop calling me cliche. Seriously, it's getting old.)
So yeah. That's enough for now. Can't tell ya everything. The reward's always sweeter when you have to work for it.
My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Imperial Majesty Ames the Ceaseless of Lower Beanthrop in the Hedge
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title
Your Pimp Name Is...
Nurse Dynamite What's Your Pimp Name?
You Are Pecan Pie Soda
Sweet, but totally nuts What Jones Holiday Soda Are You?
Myspace tweaks at

My Interests

Working for the common good (when I'm not completely wrapped up in myself).I love: Griz athletics, hiking in the rain, The L Word, music, massages, board games, my cat, the ladies. I like: movies, my bike, theater (watching it. please, i don't have the cojones to actually *do* it...confessed UM drama groupie right here). Using a lot of parentheses. (Parentheplasia, if you will.) I don't like ("hate" is such a harsh word): haters, playa-haters, insomnia, people who write "would of" instead of "would've" or "would have". Think about it.

I'd like to meet:

Girls in tight dresses who drag with mustaches.Chicks drivin' fast. Ingenues with long lashes.

adopt your own virtual pet!


Silkworm, Bottomless Pit,Indigo Girls, any other folky girls with guitars (not that Silkworm and Bottomless Pit have anything to do with girls with guitars). Michelle Malone, Lucy Kaplansky, Edie Carey, Dar, Kris Delmhorst, to name but a few. (All of whom need to come to Missoula soon, even if they've already been once...or more.) Keane, Maroon 5, Dispatch (so the guys don't feel left out). Dixie Chicks. Other than those, I like many and varied musics. Changes with the times, you know how it is. Check out the music people in my friends list. I just discovered Girlyman. Fanfrickintastic. And that Chris O'Brien boy? He's got a lovely voice. Sarah Bettens makes me kind of tingly.


My favorite movies change daily. Why Should The Devil Have All The Good Music? and The Kid Stays In The Picture (big ups to the movie-makers in the family).Basically, the person who invented Netflix should never worry about anything ever again. IMHO. what a brilliant human being.and of course, the best movie ever (in my 15-yr. old heart):


Grey's Anatomy, The L Word...that's about all I have time for.


I Know This Much Is True, Hearts in Atlantis, World According To Garp


Oh my goodness...It's interesting how as I've gotten older, my "heroes" have become such ordinary people. Well, ordinary in rather extraordinary ways. My friend Kristin is my hero because I don't understand how she has completely unconditional love for pretty much everyone in the world. Try as I might, I haven't perfected that yet. My brother, he's another one. And my mom and my aunt. My rock and roll heart (which sometimes disguises itself as a folky heart) would like to add: Indigo Girls and Bonnie Raitt.
You Should Be In the Indigo Girls
Your all about expressing yourself through music
Lyrics are your poetry - think Sylvia Plath meets guitar What Girl Group Should You Be In?

My Blog

finally! (warning: basketball content)

i am proud to announce that after flirting all season with breaking into the associated press top 25 poll, my beloved lady griz cracked the poll in the final week at #25!!! if i'm not mistaken, this ...
Posted by ames on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 05:44:00 PST

an open letter to ann coulter

dear ann, thank you for sacrificing yourself to validate my long-held belief that conservatives really are assholes. it is much appreciated, especially since i didn't even have to do any work to ...
Posted by ames on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 03:20:00 PST

from the human rights campaign...

um...yeah. just read this. send it to your friends. give money if you can. contact your rep's. the usual. ******** In Detroit last week, 72-year-old Andrew Anthos was riding on a city bus and was aske...
Posted by ames on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 07:32:00 PST

Happy Griz-Cat weekend!

if there are any spare tickets floating around out there, let me know! Grassy ass. ***********These three guys go down to Mexico one night and get drunk and wake up in jail.  They found out that ...
Posted by ames on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 08:51:00 PST

Please note (then, please vote)

my endorsement of jon tester has nothing to do with the choice of songs on my profile. seriously... but i think it's kinda funny, so i'm not changing it. heh.
Posted by ames on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 11:39:00 PST

party time! 8 weeks

ok, so my class is trying to come up with celebration ideas for our graduation...given that the middle of december, right before xmas is not exactly what people think of as "traditional" graduation ti...
Posted by ames on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 09:09:00 PST

yo missoulians

if yer in town this weekend and you like folk-y type music, my friend amy martin is releasing a cd. last i heard the big party is at the historic wilma theater saturday, oct. 21 at 7 p....
Posted by ames on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 10:13:00 PST

and we're back...

yay! brand new monitor-land! that's where i am! i can actually see the details in dark pictures now! i am the proud owner of a 19" (but who's counting?) LCD flat-screen monitor. woo hoo. and it's wid...
Posted by ames on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 04:25:00 PST


so, in the middle of writing a paper last night (which, of course, i hadn't been intermittently saving as you're so wisely taught to do), my monitor made a rather loud popping sound and went black. an...
Posted by ames on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 06:15:00 PST

public service announcement(s)

i'm not big in the business of advertising. for that, you will have to visit my father (who has yet to have his own myspace ). but, for things that are near and dear to my heart, i'm all about promoti...
Posted by ames on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 02:19:00 PST