drinking your beer or distilled liqour, art, travel, making art, learning music theory, playing the tin whistle and tub bass listening to music, playing with my dog,swilling beer, knitting, physical activities sex or otherwise, learning things from books or otherwise. watching people, drinking coffee that I paid too much for, being outside, finding proof of extraterriestrial life, finding proof of life after death. cussing, complaining and smoking cigarettes with my psychobitches. destroying things, taking showers, drinking so much caffiene I can't think straight, punk rock, metal, irish rebel songs, cock, talking in various accents,being called a maggot
people I already know
Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
Shane MacGowan... unconsciously brilliant. You can intelligently debate any topic from theology, history, literature and philosphy... though only while you're out of your skull on booze.
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lots and lots
are really long. But Shakes the clown is really good and not too long. Robin Willaims creeps me out, but overall I don't mind movies. Straight to Hell has the pouges in it dressed up like mariachis , any scary movie,
is expensive. Duck duck duck duck GOOSE
Tis by Frank McCourt, The book of the Hopi, Demonic Males ( it sounds bad, but it's just an anthropological study on primates and the origins of human violence- in the end it doesn't blame male monkeys it blames the amount of available food which affects all social interactions) The Book of the Hopi. Jitterbug perfume is my new favorite book of all time. and yellow is my ol favorite color of all time, but today it's back happy fuckin fall evrybody!
my parents and grandparents my brother, bill hicks, eve libertine