so, i'm a biomedical engineering technologist (that's always a mouthful). graduated june 2005 from bcit. moved to victoria in april for a good 'n steady job that i am thus far thoroughly enjoying. but this whole working 8-4 , coming home to cook and clean, becoming a real grown up business is a bit weird! i'm a fairly optimistic person - in general. i'm very family oriented - not in the sense that i function well in a family situation, but more in the way that i feel i'll forever be very attached to mine. some of the philosophies i try to live by: look for the best but expect the worst, bother other people as little as possible, a smile can make all the difference, don't be afraid to try new things...right, ok, i'll stop with the cliches...the difference with me saying them is that i'm horrible at delivering the lines!:)
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