Tool!My favorites. 60's psychedelic rock, 70's punk, 80's goth, 90's grunge. drum and bass, trip hop.Basicly if it touches me i dig it!
Dead Man, Akira, Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy, Fight Club, Tron, Old Boy, Before Night Falls, The Secret Of Nimh, Matrix Trilogy, The Goonies, Easy Rider, Hero, etc... nothing sludgy!
no T.V its sedation for the masses. watch the zombies stare at their boxes. you have a choice...
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest-Ken Kessey. anything by Haruki Murukami Stone Junction-Jim Dodge. On The Road-Jack Kerouac. Under Milkwood-Dylan Thomas. Fear And Loathing-Hunter S. Thompson. One Hundred Years Of Solitude-Gabriel Garcia Marquez. White Jazz-James Elroy.
Johnny Depp. The whole of Tool...they are all of one conciousness. Marcel Duchamp. Stanislav Szukalski. Haruki Murukami. John Peel. Christopher Reed.