criselle-joy profile picture


...don't bother me, i'm watching tv...

About Me

i'm joy! i'm always happy! hehe...and i thank gail and denise for starting a myspace for me! i love them, yes i do!!

"Love me...That's all I ask of you."

I wouldn't go as far as describing myself as antisocial but I definitely lean more towards the timid side. It's hard for me to just go up to people and put myself out there. I was even hesitant about this whole "Myspace" thing, thats why my friends took it upon themselves to start one for me...just for kicks no doubt. Having strangers know details about my life kinda freaks me out. I'm more of an inconspicuous observer, if you know what I mean. But once I get to know people and I feel more comfortable around them, I'm more fun to be around, I promise. I'm an utter romantic through and through. Watching movies and television gives me a way to escape from my monotonous life and enter into a world of fantasy, romance, and adventure. If you want to know more about me, then just ask me or one of my friends...actually...don't believe what my friends say, they tend to lie in order to embarrass me. What can I say...FRIENDS...can't live with them, can't live without them.

"You have bewitched me...body and soul."

My Interests

  • Watching TV
  • Watching Movies
  • Sports esp. Basketball
  • Hanging out with my friends
  • Reading good books
  • Playing Poker
  • Engaging in intelligent conversations (even if i'm not the intelligent one)
  • Attempting to draw
  • Building or creating things
  • SLEEPING(esp. taking those 4 hour naps in the middle of the day)
  • I'd like to meet:

    The cast of Alias (Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan) [it was a great show while it lasted] The cast of Gilmore Girls [my other favorite show/ its smart, witty, and intelligent] {CHECK} Miley Cyrus and Emily Osment [I'm kind of embarrased to admit it but I REALLY like their show.] Oprah [she has everything I want] Drew Barrymore [she is a strong intelligent woman, I am in awe of her resilience and her success is justified] Johnny Depp [I admire his work and he's just plain SEXY] {CHECK} Kate Beckinsale [she's british and gorgeous, I wish I looked like her] Orlando Bloom [he's british, hot, and orlando bloom] {CHECK} Keira Knightley [she's british, gorgeous, and most of all, an amazing actress AND she's my age. I'm so jealous] {CHECK} Jude Law [he's british...I think you see the awesome actor, and not bad to look at either] Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling [Have you seen "The Notebook"? They were amazing!] Justin Timberlake [It's inhumane how talented he is at almost everything] Julie Andrews [she's a legend...I don't know how many times I've seen the "Sound of Music"] Someone who can make me laugh Someone I can learn from who challenges me Someone European, cause I think your accents are HOT


    I know it seems like a cop-out but I seriously can listen to any type of music as long as it has lyrics.


    .. There are so much more that I know I'm gonna hate myself for forgetting, but my mind is totally blank right now. That, or I'm too lazy to post it. Check back later to see any new developments.


    GREY'S ANATOMY (Dr. McDreamy and Dr. MsSteamy...need I say more!), GILMORE GIRLS (The beginning seasons were classic, it kind of lost steam later on but its getting back to the kind of humor that made me fall in love with it), ABSOLUTLEY FABULOUS (like my friend says,"It's about two drunk women." which it kind of is, but SO much more. I laugh really hard at least once per episode. Too bad this BBC sitcom doesn't run anymore), LOST (I'm gonna keep liking it until I'm covinced the writers really don't know what they're doing), HANNAH MONTANA (I LOVE this show! You're not allowed to judge me unless you've seen it yourself!). There are sickeningly hundreds more but these are the top 5 (for now).


    The Da Vinci Code, Memoirs of A Geisha, The Stranger, Nectar in a Sieve, The Harry Potter Series... I would read more books if I had good books to read. [Reading; it exercises your imagination and also makes you look smarter]