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Under the Sky

About Me

under-the-sky trailer 3
envoyé par fredirikk
under-the-sky trailer 1
envoyé par fredirikk
under-the-sky trailer 2
envoyé par fredirikk “In case YOU haven’t notice, there will be no future. Who killed the future? A killer killed the future. Who’s the killer?” This is what the voice says, coming from the radio of a wrecked car. It’s the only voice left in a silent world that has turned into a desert, emptied of bodies and souls alike. A small girl whose name is Under-the-Sky walks alone through the waste land, among toys and everything that mankind has discarded and a strange black juice oozing everywhere from the wounds of civilization. What is this small girl doing there, at the end of the world? She wanders with no apparent destination, curious of nothing, meeting a stuffed clown, the four horses of the Apocalypse, a goat and Orestes shooting Clytemnestra in a dream-like theatre where Aeschylus’ Oresteia is being performed. “We asked for salvation and a voice from above said: ‘Is this some kind of joke?’” And yet, maybe not everybody is gone. In her wanderings, Under-the-Sky meets a tribe of children—all mute as she is. The voice from the radio said: “A child is the greatest enemy in the eyes of time. Let the children go away from us because theirs is not the Kingdom of Man.” And here they are, outside the cities, sheltered in a mine. Are they the last survivors of the apocalypse? Or maybe there’s someone else? Under-the-Sky is stalked by a creepy man with a limp and a gun. Why does the last adult survivor want to kill her? Are they somewhat connected, by means of a limp dance and a song that awakens memories? Why does he leave traces of black blood? And why do the other children think that Under-the-Sky is the last hope of mankind and that she needs to be protected by the Hunter Child? “Did we fall, were we pushed, or we just believed we were going to grow wings? Who’s the killer? I want to know who’s the killer.”

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