paul <3's boost profile picture

paul <3's boost

Clearly here to make your boyfriend insecure.

About Me

Somethings you should know and be able to deal with:

- I can't be judged by what I wear, music I listen to, or who I hang out with.
- Girls think I'm hot, and tell me pretty often.
- Most guys do too.
- I have no interest in 90% of them.
- I love to drive
- My left ankle doesn't.
- I'm that asshole that checks on his car every half hour.
- That's because it's the most expensive thing I own.
- Yeah, that's right I OWN it.
- I work nights, and wouldn't trade it for a 9-5 anyday.
- I'm a creepshow.
- I still sleep with my childhood blankie.
- I LOVE my family.
- My little sister has cerebral palsy.
- ...which is why I still live at home.
- ...not for much longer though.
- 3000GT/Stealth's will always be the most beautiful car to me.
- I'm prepared for a zombie attack at a moments notice.
- I'm a WoW nerd.
- ...I'm a nerd.
- Contrary to how I present myself, I have very deep rooted self confidence issues.
- No, all those girls telling me I'm hot doesn't fix it.
- The guys help a little.
- This is why I refuse to start another serious relationship with anyone.
- Ryan is my best friend, and I don't see anything ever changing that.
- I like gadgets that flip open horizontally.
- I listen to bad music.
- If you do too, I'd like to be your friend.
- I need to add more to this.
Dodge SRT-4 Commercial

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My Blog


Here it is folks, all done. Yes, we have 2 shower heads and yes, a Bidet. My sisters handicapped and has motor skill problems, make a comment about it, and prepare to die....
Posted by paul <3's boost on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 09:42:00 PST

Bathroom renovations or horror movie set?

So we're renovating our original 1900's bathroom. Something tells me we could get easily 1000 bucks for our claw foot tub if I just knew who'd buy it haha. My dads just throwing it away.I took picture...
Posted by paul <3's boost on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 03:52:00 PST

You might be a 3/S owner if...

Stolen from Kerry, fuckin hilarious. You might be a 3S owner if.....-If you defend your 3800lb car when people call them land yachts-If you carry a tool set in your car just in case anything breaks-If...
Posted by paul <3's boost on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 06:24:00 PST

Visit to Stonehill

So I just got back from visiting my cousin Mike at Stonehill last night. Definitely had an amazing time.Paul, my other cousin,&nbsp;and I drove down there, got lost a lot, but finally found it. On...
Posted by paul <3's boost on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 08:59:00 PST

Veronica Update w/ PICTURES

Turns out my non-starting problem was caused by a bad positive terminal end. My dad ended up replacing it for me while I was asleep yesterday. Wicked nice of him, though I wish I had been there to le...
Posted by paul <3's boost on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 06:01:00 PST

Cars, Games, and Siblings

I decided I'd do a real update, as I have some news.Today was my "night off". I don't get real days off. I came home today from work at 8AM, and I have to be to work tomorrow at 6PM.Hardly a day off. ...
Posted by paul <3's boost on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 10:27:00 PST


YER GONNA DIE Mom:Hello are you having a nice time at your dads?Girl:Hes not here.Mom:O, reallyMom:where is he?Girl:I dont know.Girl:Turn on the web cam!Mom:okGirl:what are u wearing?Mom:New jammies y...
Posted by paul <3's boost on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Explaination of the Ninja Political Party

Ok, so this is how it started. My friend Jeff and I were looking for a fun, yet serious way to market ourselves to the youth of my college for election into Student Government. Fun, yet serious....
Posted by paul <3's boost on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Kill Hannah @ the Middle East

I got to see Kill Hannah for the 2nd time at the Middle East. There werent that many people, very close, it was awesome. After the show, I got to meet them, and talk with Mat a little about when the...
Posted by paul <3's boost on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Hangin out at work.

Well, Im at work. I decided I'm definately going to take advantage of thos blog as my public journal. Ive made my myspace account pretty avalible to anyone whom might want it. I'm pretty tired rig...
Posted by paul <3's boost on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST