sleeping late. anything and everything radio. politics. the democratic party. liberalism. human rights. civil liberties. progressive politics. passion for change. dogs, but not really big ones. travelling. national public radio. nick at nite. music. depositing a paycheck here and there. those bravo reality shows. meteorology. photography. state fairs. vintage cartoons. wikipedia. google maps. wii tennis and wii golf. plotting where i want to go in six months. the united kingdom. canada. sunday comics. blueberry bagels, toasted with plain cream cheese. the national weather service. the 1950's. text messaging. the ocean. craig ferguson. the simpsons. the bbc world service. contemporary american history. apple products, to ryley's disdain. museums. theater. scambaiting. snarking and sarcasm.
i pretty much know in real life everyone on my friends list. while i know you are supposed to use myspace to get to know new people i mostly want to find people i haven't talked to in eons or haven't seen in about as long. that being said i am open to meeting new people from time to time, so drop me a line - if you're a band i don't know, chances are i won't friend you. no hard feelings.
office space. forrest gump. pleasantville. kill bill. fahrenheit 9/11. american beauty. romeo and juliet. monty python and the holy grail / meaning of life / life of brian / and now for something completely different. dead poet's society. cruel intentions. casino. shawshank redemption. muppet movies. rent.
i haven't watched tv in so long, i rarely ever know what the hell's on.
dude, where's my country? - michael moore, the red tent - anita diamant, memoirs of a geisha - arthur golden, angela's ashes - frank mccourt, a tree grows in brooklyn - betty smith
anyone who stands up to oppression, denial, hatred, ignorance, intolerance, and the absence of human rights. that and i think my mum is pretty neat. and most of my friends. my dog's pretty cool. alright, so i have a lot of heroes. pretty much everyone i know is a hero to me in one way or another ...