Anything that has to do with MAGIC -- realms of magic and fantasy. Both the weird side and the unimaginable/unfathomed side. Life is short enjoy every minute of life.....our legacy, slowly fades to myth and then to fantasy.
Outgoing people, wants to have fun and "some meshin' around." You could definitely say that I'm of both extremes -- could be serious if I want to and could be the rowdy, spoiled and high-on-life dude you want me to be.
Black Eyed Peas - My Humps
Video Code by MySpace Video Code
Lord of the Rings, Spider-man 1 & 2, Animated movies
Justic League, Yu-Gi-Oh, Anythin' that has to do with animation (you could also throw in the hentai, yuri and yaoi, hehehehehehe)
Sword of Truth and Wheel of Time series
Superman and Spidey