{ r!a } nEeds sUm LoVin profile picture

{ r!a } nEeds sUm LoVin

hOw cAn i LuV sOm1 hu's LuV waS nEvr mine?!

About Me

♥ eL gImikEra ♥
♥ dRamA qUEen ♥
♥ bEaCh buM ♥
♥ tHug pRinCeSs ♥
♥ heArtThRob ♥
♥ hOt cHicKa ♥
♥ gOrgEous bAbe ♥
♥ heAdtuRnEr ♥
♥ nAughTy biTch ♥
♥ sImpLe fLiRt ♥
♥ cRaZy Lovah ♥
♥ hoRny cHick ♥
♥ tEmpTin mOmma ♥

oNe tOugh

♥ yeah yeah ♥

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

*dANcing*GImik*roAD tRip*HanG oUt*drAg RaCinG*cArs*pArty*beAchEs*dAnCinG*biLLaBoNg*HaVaiAnAs*RoXy*S uRf wOrLd*EsPriT*NiKE*AdiDas*ConVErsE*anD... BoYs.. =p

+ ...aNd cHEck oUt mY GoOdiEs beLow... +















tHEsE hoT cHickaz aRe d oNEs hU tRuLy kNW mE... iV kNoWn tHEm fOR yEArs aLreAdy bAck in dAVao! kSAma kU sA gImikZ, pArtYin, rOAdtRips, oUtingS, YB's, sHOttIng! hEhehE!=) i CnT w8 4 sUmmEr 4 d bOndiNg dAYs agEn!:)

awW.. i MiSs y'aLL!=p ♥

tO mY gOodIEs @ UStE!=)

tHEsE aRe mY cHUms!:) wE dO aLL tHE cRAziEst anD moSt sTupid tHinGs @ sChoOL! hAhA!;p yEt, sTiL stAyin prEttY!;p La Lng!:)

I'd like to meet:

♥ TheY saY You dON't knOW whAt yOu'vE Got tiL iT's GOne. In ThIs cAse, i Wish iT wAs tRue sO thAt On THe dAy i wOuLd wALk aWay yOu'd reALizE How mUch i mEANt tO yOu. ThEy sAY wHEn You LOvE soMeonE You neEd to fIGht foR it, BuT wHy sHOuld I? WHEn i KnoW i'm GonNa LosE No MAtter wHaT i do. ThEy sAy LEtTinG Go oF tHE oNe YOu LovE is HARd bUT to pRetEnd noT tO cAre is hArdEr, EveryTimE he pAssEs by. You tRy to Act LiKe hE dOEsn't mAttEr. It's hArd tO sEE soMeonE waLk AwAy ANd prEtEnd iT's NO bIG dEaL anD it'S hArd tO hUrt sO bAd insiDe trYin tO hidE whAt You reALLY feeL. IT's hARd tO pAinT a sMiLe oN Your FacE wHEn tO cRy is aLL YOu wANNA be dOin. BUt tO prEtENd is aLL You cAn do, tRY to acT fIne And cOOL to cover uP thE pAin, to avOid Lookin Like a fOOL.. =(


%D%A%D%Ai wAnt tO bE sOmeONe's LAsT cALL of ThE NiGHt & HiS FirSt ThoUght In ThE MorNing..%D%A
I wanT tHosE 5-houR cOnVErsatIons tHAt End in: "nO, You HAnG Up fIrSt.."
i WaNt tHE HearT-rAcinG,PaLm-sWEaTing, wHat's-GonNa-hAppEn-nExt mOmEnts..
i wANt thE HugS tHaT He nEvEr wANts tO LEt go oF & tHE sToLen kISses tHAT ARe aLWAyS tHE sWeetEst..
bUt MoSt imPortAntLY, i wAnt SomeOne tO thInk of Me As hiS anD hiS aLonE.


%D%A.. aNd So, i'm wiLLinG to fALL, wiLLinG to FaLL oVer thE EdgE of thE cLiFf..wiLLinG to fLy w/o wINgs to reAch thE euPhoriC hEightS of LoVE.. & evEn if i'LL fiNd mYseLF LoSt, aLonE & unLovEd, i'LL nOt regret a siNgLe moment. becAUse in thE eNd, iT's nOt How mUch i wAs LovEd, buT hOw i'vE gIven mYseLF tO soMEone cOMpLeteLy & How i LOved cRAziLy.. And seLFLessLy Let GO of a LovE thAt wASn't mEant to be..


%D%Ai LiKe DEAD END sigNs...%D%A
i tHink tHey're kInd..

TheY at LeAst hAve tHe dEcENcy tO Let You kNOw YOu're GoINg NowHEre..


LoVe is whEn yOu sIT bEsidE sOMeone..

dOin nOthing..

yOu fEeL pErfEcTLy hAppy..


%D%AOne Of ThE biGGesT fLatteRy is KNoWinG thAt Just by bEiNG Your wOnDerfUL sELF, yOu mAke a biTCh eXtrEMeLy inSeCure of heRseLf


%D%A%D%A%D%A CheCk ouT more oF mE at:%D%Arialicious01.multiply.com ♥


HouSe MuSic and.. Justin Timberlake.. :)
.. width="425" height="350" ....

My Blog

neW!!! 08/19/06.. CHN @ BatAngAs... =p

CHN at MaLitLit, BatAngAs!! @ 5am sA Van!! hAha! MaRicAr,mE, kaRen!! sLEepy! waAhh! PiC paRn!:) iPod NLng.. =) tuLog nA nGA! aT bAtAngAs na!CoCo jaM mAkiNg 4d cOmmUnity..=p KoRni ba? haha!:)...
Posted by { r!a } nEeds sUm LoVin on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 04:08:00 PST

BaTanGAs OutIng wiTh RLE3!! 03/27/06

MY RLE 3 AND I!! feELing tOurIsts! hAha! wiTh bEstfRiend kAren! sA hUt yAn!:) tOp viEw! kRis, JayMee, me! wiTh aEron! wiTh tOphEr!  wiTh juStin! mE, kArEn, kAte!sYEmPRe aKu!!! ...
Posted by { r!a } nEeds sUm LoVin on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 01:56:00 PST

11 cOmmAndents on MysPAce!!!

1.If you're ugly,stop acting like you don't know it.The captions under you picture that says"top model pose"doesn't convince anyone.2.To the people who have like 25,098 friends,are you serious?Nobody ...
Posted by { r!a } nEeds sUm LoVin on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 01:26:00 PST

fActS abOut sEx =p

+++++ FACTS ABOUT SEX+++++1) 94% of men lie about their penis size.aAccording to condom manufacturers, only 6% ofmen use extra large condoms.2) The average man is 5 inches long when erect(no matter wh...
Posted by { r!a } nEeds sUm LoVin on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 06:45:00 PST

a LonELy stArt 4d nEw yeAr

dAmn.... tIReD of oL thIs shIt and oL..  fvCk..... i dEsErvE bEtta...  
Posted by { r!a } nEeds sUm LoVin on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 11:12:00 PST

muRAng sONghITs bA?:) hahah!:)

murAng sONghiTs kAmo? maLAmAng gAnitO UN!!! :)I decided long ago, never to walk in edu manzano... (I decided long ago,never to walk in anyone's shadow)Cry by Mandy Moore - A walk to remember... it was...
Posted by { r!a } nEeds sUm LoVin on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 04:06:00 PST

KiSs mE, dOCtor!!

Doctor, doctor, please kiss me," says the patient."No, I'm sorry, that would be against the code of ethics," says the doctor.Ten minutes later the patient says: "Doctor, please, kiss me just once.""No...
Posted by { r!a } nEeds sUm LoVin on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 05:36:00 PST

Erectile Dysfunction

  Two dwarfs go into a bar, where they pick up two prostitutes and take them to their separate hotel rooms. The first dwarf, however, is unable to get an erection. His depression is made worse b...
Posted by { r!a } nEeds sUm LoVin on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 05:34:00 PST