Spirituality, Theology, Existentialism, Politics, Social Justice, Art, Creative Expression, Astrolgy, Music, Astral Travel, The Cornerstone Crew, Cowboy Boots, Fashion but not High Fashion, Non-Fiction, Fiction, Passionate Debates, Anything that satisfies the senses and Whatever Makes Me Feel Good! "The Bowery" New York.
People who give a damn about anything, have a conscience (social or otherwise), and those who do not take themselves or myself for that matter so seriously! You have to be able to laugh at yourself. Otherwise, life can be tough!
Punk Rock, Hardcore, Old Country, Classical, and Metal too~
The Classics, Cult Classics, Silent Films,& Horror Who's Afraid Of Virginia Wolf?
Classic Movies and Shows
Mohatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Mary Magdalene, Rosa Parks, Robinhood, Whiskey Bill, Oldtimers and Hester Prynne~