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About Me

I LOVE Alabama football! I am probably more of a football fanatic than most guys you know! People tell me i have entirely tooo many clothes... But of course i don't think that is possible! I love to go out and have a good time.. Sometimes i drink alittle more than i should but hey... who doesnt? I am very outspoken...Probably not always a good thing.. The "Susie Dance" makes me VERY happy...HAHA... I love being a smartass! I work ALOT... But the people i work with are awesome.. I have really bad luck with guys... It takes ALOT for me to reallt like a guy and when I finally do it always backfires on me.. I dont like drama but it love the hell outta me! When it rains, i love to lay in bed all day and relax. I have the best friends that any person could ask for! Thats just alittle random info about me!

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My Interests

Bama Football, the beach, talking on my phone...its practically glued to my ear, watching movies, driving, cuddling, sleeping all day, hanging out with my friends cause they are the best!
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You Don't Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too Picky
You have no problem attracting guys - and even dating a little
It's just around second or third date time where you start to see faults
If a guy isn't near perfect, you're not into him.
It's good to have standards - but yours rule almost everyone out. Why Don't You Have a Boyfriend?..
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John Mayer, Justin Timberlake, 3 Doors Down, O.A.R. 3 Days Grace, Beyonce, Akon, Eminem, Jack Johnson.I listen to all types of music. It really depends on what type of mood i am in.
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The Notebook, Replacements, Just Like Heaven, Sweet Home Alabama, Varsity Blues, Halloween Series... I love movies so its kinda hard for me to sit and name them all. I love watching girly movies!


American Idol is my favorite show but i didnt get to watch much of it this season. I used to watch friends but as you know... its not on anymore.. Other than that i dont have to much time for TV.
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God... I havent read a book in God knows how long... Maybe i will put that on my list of things to do..Or not! I do like to read magazines though


My parents, All the soldiers that fight for my freedom.. All of my friends for always being there for me when i need you the most!

My Blog

Can I ever get a break?

Everything seems to always take a turn in the wrong direction for me.. I feel like i cant ever get ahead. When things start looking up, the bottom always falls out from underneath me. I was recently s...
Posted by Courtney on Thu, 24 May 2007 05:47:00 PST


Cant people at work just make up there mind!!! Im sick of being moved around. Put me in one place and keep me there!!!!!!!
Posted by Courtney on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 06:31:00 PST