Alex profile picture


token economy

About Me

Myspace Layout Generator by
- an amazing postcard from the beautiful and always lovely Caitlin Morrison - the best former roommate a girl could ask for.
I am who i am. I dont believe in having a "front". I just am.. Alex. my main philosophy is - if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? aka... if one feels the desire to scottish dance on the dance floor.. wear a clown suit to a concert... sing loudly out a car window to a really bad song... do the electric slide to "I'd Do Anything For Love" by Meatloaf, don a fake pair of glasses w/ an attached mustache for a day, admit they still kinda like Wannabe by the Spice Girls, and so on and so on and soooooo on.... then i think absolutely nothing should hold them back from doing just that. :-) --- If you haven't made an ass of yourself and laughed it off - you haven't lived.
i'm an editing and concert junkie

other things you should probably know about me:
queer theory is my life.
i'm really scared of mice.
i'm very indecisive.
I double bow my shoe laces.
i'm a really bad speller
I h8 wHeN pEOplE tyPe liKE tHiS- dOnt U? i don't want to decode what you're trying to say - it just frustrates me.
I play a lot of pool - but i don't seem to win very often.

i'm known far and wide as a "flannel dyke".
I'm originally from the states, but am studying abroad in Sydney for a year. (though i wish more than anything it was for longer)
also, the fact that these kind of things exist in the world, make me very happy:
oh my god. shoes.

My Interests

queer theory, filmmaking, attending concerts, being immature, chicago, chocolate milk, circle pines, editing (video), garage sales, movies, music, procrastination, promoting local bands, rag stock, sarah lawrence college, sleeping late, identity, the gay pride parade, the internet, the L, the metro, video cameras, wandering, wondering, thunderstorms, riddles, Halloween, Newtown, getting letters in the mail, chicken caesar salad, the lesbian 'community' from the 1950s through the 1980s and the shifts that took place, Sydney, photography, rejecting binaries, roadtrips, talking gay, watching people do things that i can't (and probably never will be able to) do, the board game LIFE, most boardgames in general, dipping sandwiches in soup, PB&J on crackers, cows, Boston Market, collaging, lucid dreams, building snowpeople, the corn soup from the pub at SLC, raunch culture, dancing badly, South of the boarder

I'd like to meet:

People who aren't afraid to let imaturity shine through from time to time..... but at the same time are able to have deep meaningful conversations at 3 in the morning.

also, anyone who thinks this is basically the most amazing video ever....
such a great song. still can't believe it's a commercial.

People YOU wish YOU could meet --- All of these beautiful people:

--- the order of my friends on my "top friends" means nothing. just so we are all on the same page. let's not all get too carried away with myspace land. ---


Most one hit wonders, Glam/flash rock, electro, House, tribal, AIR, Kill Hannah, The Beatles, Joni Mitchell, Tracy Chapman, TTKK, The Smiths, Blur, The Faint, Felix Da Housecat, A Tribe Called Quest, Aimee Man, Duran Duran, The Knife, Lamb, Fischerspooner, Go Sailor, Gravy Train, In a Jar UK, Manu Chao, The Party Monster Soundtrack (not the movie), Nena, New Order, Queen, The Tough Get Going, The Y Tu Mama Tambien Soundtrack, Benny Benassi, The Scissor Sisters, Mirah, Cat Power, Aqua, Badley Drawn Boy, Bloc Party, Buffalo Springfield, Dresden Dolls, Elliot Smith, Ladytron, Gay Pimp Jonny McGovern, Goldfrapp, Jose Gonzalez, Peaches, Queen, Pete Seeger, the Postal Service, Jupiter Blue, Egostatic, local chicago music, Smashing Pumpkins, Bitch &, Animal, Tegan &, Sara, Ani DiFranco, Dar Williams, Placebo, Chicks on Speed, Ministry of Sound, Sneaky Sound System, Fredde Le Grand, TV Rock


But I'm A Cheerleader, Girl, Interrupted, Ellen Degeneres' Stand up, Twister (shut up it's good), This Is What Democracy Look, Eternal Sunshine For the Spotless Mind, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Almost Famous, Me and You and Everyone We Know, Prairie Home Companion, Elizabethtown, Garden State, Fargo, Trainspotting, Requiem for a Dream, home movies


AbFab, The X-files, The L Word, Queer As Folk, Mad About You, That 70s Show, Full House, (i secretly really like) Reality shows


Ender's Game (series), Golden Compass (series), There Are No Children Here, God of Small Things, The Poisonwood Bible (except for the last section... boring as hell), Herculine Barbin, The Da Vinci Code, The Well of Loneliness, The Trial of Radclyffe Hall, The Friendly Young Ladies, Stone Butch Blues, Orlando, Zami: A New Spelling of My Name, Middlesex


Radclyffe Hall, Larry

My Blog

I hate these things (though you'd never know from my 'blogs' myspace)..but i also hate uni work

Welcome to the 2007 edition of getting to know your friends. What you are supposed to do is copy (not forward) this entire e-mail and paste it onto a new e-mail that you'll send. Change all the answer...
Posted by Alex on Mon, 21 May 2007 05:41:00 PST

because Myspace eats my soul and i have too much time on my hands

72 "Odd Questions"[1] What is your middle name?I have two -> Allegra and Barbour[2] What color is your mailbox?gray[3] Are you available?yes. no. maybe so..[4] Have you ever hit a deer?no[5] Do you ha...
Posted by Alex on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 08:56:00 PST

more pictures

so much time on my hands. weeeee! posted a bunch more pictures --> 2 pages of photos now! i didn't even know one could put than many up! madness.
Posted by Alex on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 07:30:00 PST

one of these because i have nothing better to do, and i know you are all just SO interested

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:Alex AlbersBirthday:June 11th, 1986Birthplace:Chicago, ILCurrent Location:161 Broadway/my dorm room/Sydney/AustraliaEye Color:hazelHair Color:technically kinda ...
Posted by Alex on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 11:11:00 PST

It's that time again - can you handle?

well, for the first time in over a year i put up a few more pictures (as requested). so yeah. sweet the way - random note...I have put together the most empowering/tear jerking/dramatic pla...
Posted by Alex on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 11:11:00 PST

more pictures. can you believe it?

just added more pictures. how truly truly exciting. i know... i know. :-)
Posted by Alex on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

gobble gobble

happy thanksgiving everyone. i dunno bout you.. but i'm beast hungry. tata~ -aLex
Posted by Alex on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

more pictures!

i added a few more user pictures. how exciting. i know i know. weeee? -aLex
Posted by Alex on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


You know what are fun? comments. yes they are. ~~~~~ for everyone in NY, go to the Kill Hannah shows tomorrow (techinically tonight) and the next night. go to for more info....
Posted by Alex on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST