Miss American Dream profile picture

Miss American Dream

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

FOr stArTers mY naMe iS FraNCes but UnfOrtUnately it Wasn't mY naMe of ChoiCe, So i Go bY mY midDLe nAme aS mOst oF yoU knOw...aNd tHat's CrystAL. I waS bOrN iN bUffALo Ny, bUt mOveD tO a sMaLL toWn wHeN i wAs 8.I aM aLwAyS sMiLiNg aNd sOmetiMes nOt eVen i kNow wHy. iT taKeS a Lot foR soMeoNe tO eArN mY tRuSt thEse daYs. I hAve nEveR bEeN iN LoVe, bUt nOt tO sAy ThAt iT cAn'T hAppEn. i gUeSs i Am jUst wAitinG foR mY pRinCe chArmiNg=)
I Am vErY sPontAneoUs anD oPtiMisTiC. I LaUgH a LoT....i ThiNk a LiTtLe tOo mUcH! i Am a biG DoRk! i gEt bOreD veRy eAsiLy. I hAte bEinG iN thE hOuse, I wOuLd rAtHeR bE oUt dOinG sOmetHinG.
A lot Of PeopLe dOn't KnOw thE rEaL mE, ThEy juSt tHiNk thEY dO. tHeRe iS oNLy a FeW seLecT fRiEndS wHo ReaLLy dO. I aPpReciatE eVerytHinG iN LiFe! I LoVe AdVentUreS, wheThEr iT iS a RoAD tRip, a VaCatiOn, oR jUst bEiNg SiLLy wiTh mY friEnds.
i bELiEvE iN fAiRy tALes aNd HaPpy EnDinGs...i aM a dReAmeR, cAn'T yOu tELL? I LoVe FaShiOn aNd MaKe-Up aNd sOmE pEoPLe TakE iT aS a SigN oF bEinG sUpErfiCiAL. i LoVe bIg bUg eYeD sUngLasSes & oMgFg ShOeS.
i WouLd Be tHe giRL cAuGhT dAncInG aRouNd iN hEr uNdeRwAre siNgiNg sOmE bRiTneY sPeaRs oR pLayiNg SoMe gUnS aNd RoSeS oN gUiTaR hErO. i ReaLLy dOn't gEt eMbArasSed eAsiLy. i jUst LiKe tO hAvE fUn.
iF i ReALLy LiKe sOmeOne i Let TheM kNow, i DoN't pLaY games. i sTrOnGLy bELiEvE tHaT EVERYTHING hApPeNs fOr a ReAsoN anD wHaT gOes aRouNd ALWAYS cOmeS bAcK aRouNd.

My Interests

♥Family♥Tanning♥My dog Kierra Madison♥Fashion♥The Beach♥The Gym♥Hot Bodies♥Dancing♥My Girls♥ Sunsets♥Romance♥Shopping♥Cinnamon Dolce Latte♥MAC♥ Appletinis♥Spa Days♥Traveling♥New England Patriots♥ New York Yankees♥
♥Jacksonville, FL ♥

♥ Charlotte, NC♥
♥Los Angeles, CA♥
♥Charleston, SC♥
♥ Savannah, GA♥
&hearts New York City♥

I'd like to meet:

The one and only Britney Jean Spears
Tom Brady


Timbaland♥Britney Spears♥Sugarcult♥Justin Timberlake♥Ian Van Dahl♥Lasgo♥Alicia Keys♥DJ Xtreme♥ Neyo♥ Ludacris♥Chingy♥Usher♥ATB♥ATC&he arts;Alice Deejay♥Cascada♥ DJ Encore♥ I absolutely LOVE 80s♥


The Holiday♥The Sweetest Thing♥Dumb and Dumber♥All Rocky Movies♥The Notebook♥Pride and Prejudice♥An Officer and a Gentleman♥Stupid humor movies♥Chick Flicks♥


The Desperate Housewives♥Dr.90210♥Saved by the Bell♥


Grandpa♥Grandma♥My Mother♥My Sister Wende♥My Best Friends; Loni and Jessica♥Leslee♥ Kierra; my dog♥ Those who have given their lives and those who continue to fight for our freedom♥

My Blog

What people remember about me=)

Jessi remember going to the gas station in salamanca and i pumped your gas and got it all over :( LesleeI remember when we played guitar hero in our underwear! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! MarchelleWell there ar...
Posted by Miss American Dream on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 07:45:00 PST

Better than me

I think you can do much better than me After all the lies I made you believe Guilt kicks in and I start to see The edge of the bed Where your nightgown used to be I told myself I wouldn't miss you But...
Posted by Miss American Dream on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 02:41:00 PST

To Forgive you

I saw you in the headlights, It's gonna be a long night Cause suddenly those memories came flooding back to me But as much as I keep trying to, I can't seem to forgive you You knew how much I ..... y...
Posted by Miss American Dream on Wed, 24 May 2006 09:32:00 PST

What do guys like about me?

Guys Like That You're Charming You're the girl most guys can't get out of their heads Even if they met you on a bad hair day :-) You just seem to "click" with everyone you meet So even if a guy ...
Posted by Miss American Dream on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 05:51:00 PST

25 Questions that no one would ever think to ask

These are supposedly 25 questions that no one would ever think to ask:o1. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at?: My hair...honestly! I swear I still don't know h...
Posted by Miss American Dream on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 07:22:00 PST