jennakins™ profile picture


♥ When I lay my head down each night... For some reason... Your the only thing I can see when

About Me

Hey. My name is Jennifer.
I'm fifteen years old, and I'm a rising sophmore at Henry County High.
My summer has so far, rocked.
I can be a pretty outgoing, and random person. But at times, I won't feel like doing anything. I just feel like being dull.
I'm almost always doing something fun, though, or will come up with something hilarious to do, so I'm not an entirely boring person.
I'm bad with calling people regularly on the phone, so you may have to call me first, sorry.
Mainly whereever my friends are, I love to be. And I absolutely love Starbucks, so if one of our stops is a Starbucks, you've won over my heart, lol.
I'm single, but I'm not looking. When the right guy comes along, I won't have to force it on him, if he likes me, he should be able to tell me himself.
Drugs aren't cool, kid. I hate whoring people on here. It's stupid.
My favorite thing on here is getting not just comments and messages, but picture comments. I love them as much as I love taking the pictures to comment on. So please. Give generously. lol.
I have many nicknames: Jen Jen, Jennakins, Jentinkiekins, Jenny, Jen, Jennifer the pink goat (who is actually a yellow pig), Sushi, Snickerdoodle, Gritz, Jennykins, and Foot. That's all.
My friends are crazy, but I love them. You can always come up with a new nickname for me.
Or use one.
They aren't copyrighted and signed to anyone's name or anything like that lol. Except to me.
These are shoutouts ya'll!!!! If I forgot you lemme know!
Katiekins--I love you Katie!! We have to hangout more and stuff... And when Venus is in front of the moon on Thursday nights at 9:52 PM then you are part frog, and you are Kakermitiekins... And I am part squirrel and I'm Jentinkiekins...
Sara-lou-who--I miss you... Don't leave me all alone by myself lol.
Gaby--Too bad you moved to Nebraska, and now I can only talk to you via My Space. lol. Atleast we have this awesome website lol.
Kristapants--I love you!! We can't stop hanging out just because we are separated!! Make sure I'm always your first matey!!
Mel 'n' Cheese--Lol. Pretty funny how, when Kristapants and I came up with your nickname we were craving mac 'n' cheese. lol.
Adam--I love you, dear. We have to hangout more, you know?? I'm so happy you swung by my house before you went on vaca. Hope you are having a good time.
Marcieloho--You can be the biggest drama queen sometimes, but that's what makes you such a great thespian... I hope that we have classes together this year!!
Scottie--Awwwie. You don't like your nickname Scottafish, eh?? Well... You are Scotster and Scottafish to me, either way. I won't call you it though. I still want everyone to know me as Jennakins though. That would suck if ya'll dropped that nickname. I love it.
Face--Awwie, Laura Leigh!! I'm so glad that we got to hangout a bit this summmer. So awesome... Gosh... I'm going to miss you peoples this year...
Evil Mastermind--Crazy nickname for Kellie, I know. I love you. Hope we won't lose contact!!
Savannah--I love you so much Mighty Sexy Navy Lady!! You are awesome!!
Arianna--Love you bunches Ariboe!! ily hoe. lol.
Cindy--Lmao. You are so crazy sometimes... Thinking you are the best because you should be in a higher grade than us. Lol. Even though, we would be in the same grade if my birthday wasn't late. But whatever. You are crazy, and I love ya'.
Stephanie--It's the pope, and I can't talk to you because I'm not Jewish lol. Or whatever... Idk... I'm bored and hallucinating, I think. We have to hangout. I keep telling you this... And then you tell me... And then we don't... Sucks... I know... We need to...
Danielle--I'm so glad you skipped and came to lunch with me... I probably would've never really been able to talk to you on days when I didn't see you at carriders... I hope we have some classes together.
Andy--I hope I get to see you this year!! I miss you.
Joy--Lol!! Wouldn't it be so weird if you and I ran into each other one day?? I doubt I'll ever be on your side of the country though lol. I still love my J-bowl!!
Vonda--You rock... nuff said! Lol. Love ya'!!
Belinda--If you ever want a hello kitty bag...tell me! lol! you are so cool. love ya!
James--HEY IT'S JAMYZ THE SEXXXAY ASIAN! WHAT UP?! lol Love ya dude you rock!!!! I will always hold a post-it to my forehead for you! We gotta hang out sometime, you, sammy, melody, and I!!
Kayla--Hey girl! I miss the days we spent together talking in 8th grade chorus! I wish I could talk to you still! Well love ya, ttyl!
Tyler--When I get to talk to you on myspace it's so cool! You rock!! love you!!
Kevin-- THERE I'M ADDING YOU ALRIGHT?! LOL!! Jk!! You rock!! I mean it. Hope to talk to you more on your cell... I'll try and catch you tonight or something...
Name: Jennifer
Birthday: October 8, 1990
Birthplace: Riverdale
Current Location: McDonough
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Height: 5'6"
Right Handed or Left Handed: left handed
Your Heritage: irish, spanish, dutch, cherokee, american, and some others.
The Shoes You Wore Today: my converse
Your Weakness: depends on what you mean by weakness really...
Your Fears: I'm not a big fan of gory movies, unless I'm with someone to cling onto lol....
Your Perfect Pizza: homemade pizza with extra, extra cheese, light tomato sauce, parsley, light pepperoni, some oregano, parmesian, and pizza spice!!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Not really sure yet...
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol or omg
Thoughts First Waking Up: I'm hungry...
Your Best Physical Feature: My eyes... Maybe... You'd have to ask someone... really...
Your Bedtime: Whenever I fall asleep lol.
Your Most Missed Memory: 9th grade now... lol. that was a cool year...
Pepsi or Coke: coke of course
MacDonalds or Burger King: neither... but I love McD's fries....
Single or Group Dates: either... single is better though.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither, really... but if I had to choose... Lipton...
Chocolate or Vanilla: either
Cappuccino or Coffee: either
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Swear: no
Do you Sing: YES
Do you Shower Daily: yes.
Have you Been in Love: nope.
Do you want to go to College: of course.
Do you want to get Married: of course.
Do you belive in yourself:
Do you get Motion Sickness: nope. haven't yet...
Do you think you are Attractive: most days...
Are you a Health Freak: can be... just depends on what mood I'm in...
Do you get along with your Parents: most of the time...
Do you like Thunderstorms: sometimes. mostly just rain...
Do you play an Instrument: keyboard by ear and a bit of guitar...
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: no
In the past month have you Smoked: nope
In the past month have you been on Drugs: nope
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: haven't even touched an oreo in awhile... lol... I'm being deprived!!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: want to... just to try it... but I haven't... I really don't want all the nasty stuff I've seen people try, though... I just want that... what is it?? gimtchi?? where it is like, rolled up in rice or something... that seems like it is good... so many people like it...
In the past month have you been on Stage: yes
In the past month have you been Dumped: nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nope
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nope
Ever been Drunk: nope
Ever been called a Tease: once
Ever been Beaten up: nope
Ever Shoplifted: by accident once.
How do you want to Die: peacefully in my sleep lol.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: don't really know yet... but I'm really into photography... maybe that'll take me somewhere...
What country would you most like to Visit: spain...
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: brown/hazel/blue
Short or Long Hair: if they look good... either...
Height: taller than me.
Weight: hopefully fit... but it's not the biggest thing on my mind when I like someone...
Best Clothing Style: anything but ghetto/emo...
Number of Drugs I have taken: hopefully none... but if it's just in your past... fine...
Number of CDs I own: quality over quantity... really... I cannot express this enough...
Number of Piercings: eh... maybe one... depends...
Number of Tattoos:
Number of things in my Past I Regret: It's in your past... as long as you've learned from them and matured from it, then I'm fine... We all have things in our past that we regret... You can't help that...

Whats yOur fUll name? Jennifer Lynn Gleason
Age? 15
&..39;GraDE?' 10th grade
hOmetOwn? Riverdale
CuRRent lOcatiOn? McDonough
aRe yOu a smOkEr? no
DriNkER? no
SchOOl? Henry County High
Get alOnG witH yOuR ParEntS? Most of the time...
SibliNgS? 1... brother... Heath... 10 yrs. old...
HaiR cOlOr? mine or his?? Mine: red.
EyE cOlOr? blue
HEiGht? 5'6"
WEiGHt? why would you ask that?? that's personal?? Lol... Umm... I think it was like... 145 when I saw it last or something...
Nicest? Katie
cOOlEst? Melody
PrettYiSt? Sara
hOttEsT? Scottie lol.
FunniEst? Hmm.... KRISTA
mOst AnnOyinG? Heather
GanGstEreSt? Idk...
biGGeSt pOtHeaD? I probably know a couple lol...
knOwn lOnGeSt? Andy
knOwN shOrtEst? Who WAS the last person I met?? Hmm... Umm... Someone from this past year... I know that... Umm... Maybe... Idk...
bOy fRiEnD? none
Best fRiEnd? Melody, Adam, Savannah, Krista, Laura Leigh, and Kellie
mOst memOriEs witH? Adam.
fAttEst? SARA lol. I know... It's an old joke... but honestly ALL MY FRIENDS ARE FAT!! LOL jk you peoples I love you!!
SkiNNiEst? Laura Leigh maybe
bitChyiEst? Krista lol.
tAlKs tOO mUch? Heather
EAtS tHe mOst withOut GettinG fAt? Laura Leigh or Kellie probably
*fRiEnD mOst likElY tOO..*
bEcOmE PresiDent? Scottie
StArt wAr? Kellie... You Evil Mastermind you.
becOmE a sOldiEr? Savannah.
bEE On aOl fiVe dAyS StRAiGht? Laura Leigh
wAtCh NaPOliEn DynamitE 20 tiMes iN a ROw? Melody
SPeNd OvER An hOuR in BlOCkBuStEr? Melody again...
EAt 15 BaGs Of SkittlEs? Katie maybe... (Katiekins not Katgirl)
MArrY sOmeOnE fAmOuS? Idk...
&..39;EnD Up iN Jail?&..39; Melody... with me right beside her the whole way!! lol. jk... Probably Belinda.
EnD uP iN a MeNtal InStitutiOn? Lauren... Maybe??
GraDuatE HiGh SchOOl? Hopefully everyone... Of course... Danielle was saying (half jokingly) she would drop out.
gO tO a UniVerSitY? Hopefully all of 'em... But there are probably a couple that don't care. lol.
Get sO DruNk tHeY wakE uP DruNk tHe NeXt Day? Belinda. lol.
SmOkE ThEiRsElf sObER? Jacob.
diE fRoM smOkiNG? Hope nobody... ={
BEcOmE AnerOxiC? Geez... Kinda harsh questions, eh?
bEcOmE fAmOuS?
bEE iN pOrN MagaziNes?
bEE iN PlaYbOy? Krista lol. jk.
bEE a StriPpER? Belinda lmao.
bEcOmE a fAmOuS AtHlEtE? Paige... Atleast I hope so... No reason for her talent to go to waste. She rocks any field/court/whatever lol.
bEE On tHe NeWs OvEr 15 tiMeS? Scottie... Describing the UFO. lol.
Get shOt? Idk..
Get MarriED fiRst? Idk...
DyE tHeiRsElf a diffErEnt cOlOr? MELODY lol
cOlOr? blue
CAnDY? milky way midnight
Girl nAmE? mine lol.
NuMbER? 5
lEttER? Idk... S?
AlcOhOl? don't have one.
shOe BrAnD? converse/vans
ActReSS? Julie Andrews maybe...
ActOr? Idk...
SinGeR? I love so many people... I can't choose.
BAND? I love so many bands... I can't choose.
rAppER? I hate rap.
GeOrGe BuSh Or AlE gOrE? bush
tRailEr Or ApaRtMeNt? apartment
GOOd Or bAD? good
Girl Or bOY? boy
HuGS Or kiSSEs? kisses
cOmPutEr Or PhOnE? either
MySpace Or XaNgA? either
dAy Or NitE? either
blACk Or WhitE? Idk.
dRuGs Or AlcOhOl? neither
PAriS hiltOn Or NicOlE RiCHiE? neither gross... ajgpouerjs
bAtHs Or sHOwErs? showers
nOrtH Or sOutH? south
Taken July 2, 2006
50 of the MOST Random Questions Ever...
1. Where were you 3 hours ago?
Right here... In my room...
2. Who are you in love with?
no one
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
4. Are you watching TV?
It's on in the background...
5. When was the last time you went to the mall?
umm... sometime last month....
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000?
I don't even have a car lol.
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
I didnt' drive... I just went out of town like... a couple of months ago... but literally... Yesterday I was somewhere in Jonesboro...
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
Yes. Today.
10. Do you keep a journal?
I blog and have a journal.
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
I'm drinking Pepsi right now...
12. What are you wearing right now?
My green w/ gold butterflies aeropostale shirt and jeans.
13. How much money do you have in your wallet?
25 cents.
14. Last food that you ate?
French fries...
15. Where were you last week at this time?
In the kitchen... Unloading the dishwasher...
16. Who do you like?
No one right now...
17. Does anyone like you?
Idk... They haven't told me.
18. What's the last sporting event you watched?
I'm watching Remember the Titans... Does that count?? lol. But I went to a Braves Game earlier this summer so yeah...
19. What is your favorite animal?
I like so many...
20. Your dream vacation?
Idk... I guess backpacking through Europe being able to take a bunch of pictures is what I really want to do...
21. Last person's house you were in?
other than my own?? umm... probably melody's...
22. Last party you attended?
Melody's end-of-the-year sauree lol!!
23. Have u been in love?
24. Who was the last person you called?
I'm talking to Melody right now... lol.
25. Have you ever taken studio pictures?
Umm... I haven't done studio pictures...
26. Are you injured?
27. Do you like corn on the cob or corn kernels?
corn on the cob
28. Do you watch the news?
29. What's the last candy you ate?
30. Ever go to camp?
nope... not anymore...
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
for the most part...
32. What do you want to know about the future?
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
nope. I can still smell my body spray though lol.
34. Do you fold origami?
Sometimes... rarely though... I have better things to do...
35. Where are your best friend(s)?
home probably... I know melody is... and adam is on vaca at myrtle beach lol.
36. What's your favorite TV show?
I like many.
37. Last time you went to a wedding?
I have no idea.
39. Do you have a celebrity crush?
40. What time is it?
9:41 PM
41. What was the last bus you took?
The bus to the chorus festival in 8th grade...
42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
of course
43. What does your last text message say?
Im ho :> (I have no idea who wrote it.)
44. Do you like hot sauce?
45. Last thing you said?
46. Do you need to do laundry?
Umm... I should probably do a little more laundry...
47. Can you whistle?
It comes and goes...
48. Are you someone's best friend?
49. What color is your shirt right now?
green... I thought I already established that...
50. What do you think of the person who took this survey before you?
She is one of the coolest online friends... ever lol.
There is so much more in this world I could be living for... But my heart screams you.

My Interests

[ ♥ ] Likes
my camera.
Jesus Christ.
My Space
picture comments.
blog comments.
writing in my diary.
my cell.
writing poems.
writing songs.
making short movies.
being outside.
the beach.
music. just because I say music is my life doesn't mean I have nothing better to do, but listen to music all day. It's just prominent factor in my life.
the mall.
my sunglasses.
making layouts.
hotel rooms.
going to nc in winter.
youth groups.
signing yearbooks.
horror movies. and as long as I have someone to hold onto, I can handle the goury stuff.
smelling flowers.
mr. potato head.
my stuffed animal, sunflower.
my iPod.
hanging out with my friends.
animal crossing.
duck hunt.
super mario bros. 3.
the sims.
free periods.
fun periods.
spring break.
doing stupid things in wal-mart.
dressing up in party city.
dressing up in claire's.
going to tanger.
buttery popcorn.
a lot of other things.
[ ♥ ] Hates
cocky people.
concieted people.
people who relate everything to slavery.
people who type in 733T or whatever.
people who think it's all bush's fault.
people who say Jesus was black. he wasn't even white. he was Hebrew. If you don't know... Don't open your mouth.
white people who try to act black.
people who make it a point to pick out everything that is wrong with someone.
Kyle XY
cartoons on Disney Channel.
a lot of classic rock like journey and boston makes me wanna' puke.
people who try to guilt you into doing something with/for them.
people who can't take a joke.
the nerds that make the japanese games. Gosh they are so lonely. and some other stuff.

I'd like to meet:

[ ♥ ]

I've been keeping my friends list, a bit exclusive.
Except for a few cool, lucky online friends...
This is mainly because of past drama so...
I'm only adding people I actually know onto here. However, if you are over 18... just completely
forget about it.

no pedophiles. I'm not here to have sex. I'm here to keep in contact with friends.
the end.

free profile counter from


heavy metal
pop rock
pop punk
Christian rock
punk rock
pop (sometimes)
[ ♥ ]
Ashley Angel Parker,
The Wreckers,
Breaking Point,
Linkin Park,
Steven Curtis Chapman,
Armor For Sleep,
Vision By Virtue,
Less Than Jake,
The Spill Canvas,
The All American Rejects,
Panic! At the Disco,
Death Cab For Cutie,
Theory of a Dead Man,
One Way Letter,
Relient K,
Brand New,
Kelly Clarkson,
Fall Out Boy,
Hawthorne Heights,
Rolling Stones,
Good Charlotte,
Avril Lavigne,
Simple Plan,
Yellowcard ♥♥♥,
Motion City Soundtrack ♥♥♥,
Vanessa Carlton,
DC Talk,
Story of the Year,
Taking Back Sunday,
Dashboard Confessional,
Michelle Branch,
My Chemical Romance,
Lynrd Skynrd,
Sum 41,
Ozzy Osborne,
New Found Glory,
Over It,
Blink 182,
Hawk Nelson,
and so many others.
Songs [ ♥ ]
These are my favorite songs...
Smells Like Teen Spirit~Nirvana
Bring Me To Life~Evanescence
Be My Escape~Relient K
KJ-5 Tweezy~KJ-52
Faint~Linkin Park
Let You Go~Ashley Angel Parker
Coming of Age~Breaking Point
Lights and Sounds~Yellowcard
Life Of A Salesman~Yellowcard
Way Away~Yellowcard
Only One~Yellowcard
Miles Apart~Yellowcard
Twenty Three~Yellowcard
View From Heaven~Yellowcard
Back Home~Yellowcard
Rough Landing, Holly~Yellowcard
Holly Wood Died~Yellowcard
White Houses~Vanessa Carlton
Who's To Say~Vanessa Carlton
Annie~Vanessa Carlton
She Floats~Vanessa Carlton
Private Radio~Vanessa Carlton
Welcome to the Jungle~Guns N Roses
Spiderman Theme Song~Aerosmith
Hero~Chad Kroeger
Anthem of Our Dying Day~Story of the Year
Learn to Crawl~Black Lab
Invisible Man~Theory of a Dead Man
What We're All About~Sum 41
The Future Freaks Me Out~Motion City Soundtrack
Hand Over Fist~Upside Right
There For You~Flyleaf
So I Thought~Flyleaf
All Around Me~Flyleaf
Ocean Avenue~Yellowcard
Same Direction~Hoobastank
Out of Control~Hoobastank
Are You Happy Now?~Michelle Branch
Find Your Way Back~Michelle Branch
Love Me Like That~Michelle Branch
The Chronicles of Life and Death~Good Charlotte
Ghost of You~Good Charlotte
Predictable~Good Charlotte
The World is Black~Good Charlotte
In This World~Good Charlotte
Breaking the Habit~Linkin Park
Papercut~Linkin Park
A Place For My Head~Linkin Park
Crawling~Linkin Park
Take Me Away~Avril Lavigne
Losing Grip~Avril Lavigne
He Wasn't~Avril Lavigne
My Happy Ending~Avril Lavigne
Nobody's Home~Avril Lavigne
Forgotten~Avril Lavigne
Fall To Pieces~Avril Lavigne
Freak Out~Avril Lavigne
Slipped Away~Avril Lavigne
Unsung~Vanessa Carlton
Paradise~Vanessa Carlton
Twilight~Vanessa Carlton
Rinse~Vanessa Carlton
These Walls~Trapt
Still Frame~Trapt
Since You Been Gone~Kelly Clarkson
Soul Man~Blues Brothers
Blue Collar Man~Styx
Bittersweet Heart~Soul Asylum
Broken~Amy Lee and Seether
And so many more!!


[ ♥ ]
Napoleon Dynamite.
13 Going On 30.
Star Wars series.
When A Stranger Calls.
Lord of the Rings series.
Series of Unfortunate Events.
Black Sheep.
Holiday in the Sun.
Wizard of Oz.
Return to Oz.
Muppets from Space.
Tommy Boy.
Day After Tomorrow.
Freaky Friday.
Mortal Kombat.
Kung Pow-Enter the Fist.
Smokey and the Bandit.
Cabin Boy.
O' Brother Where Art Thou.
The Others.
Superman Returns.
The Secret Window.
Harry Potter series.
Spiderman (1&2).
Pet Cemetary.
Jurassic Park series.
Batman Begins.
Driving Miss Daisy.
Fried Green Tomatoes.
Big Daddy.
The Nutty Professor.
The Patriot.
Daddy Day Care.
My Best Friend's Wedding.
You Got Mail.
The Shining.
The Excorcist of Emily Rose.
Shrek (1&2).
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
The Lost Boys.
and others.


[ ♥ ]
Laguna Beach.
The Hills.
Making the Band 3.
Real World.
That's So Raven.
Zoey 101.
Family Guy.
Making the Band.
things like the Gauntlet.
American Idol.
Everybody Loves Raymond.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Boy Meets World.
The Simpsons.
Gilmore Girls.
7th Heaven.
and others.


[ ♥ ]
I love to read!!
Fahrenheit 451
The Old Man and the Sea
The Pearl
David Copperfield
Oliver Twist
Little Women
The Scarlet Letter
Complete Tales and Poems (of edgar allen poe)
Brave New World
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide
Of Mice and Men
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Lord of the Flies
Catcher and the Rye
Harry Potter Series
Series of Unfortunate Events Series
Lord of the Rings Series
Jurassic Park
Wuthering Heights
Pet Semetary
The Hobbit
More Than A Carpenter
Independence Day
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Crime and Punishment
Memoirs of a Geisha
Gulliver's Travels
Julius Caesar
Death of a Salesman
Tale of Two Cities
Hiding Place
Diary of Anne Frank
I Am the Cheese
Lord of the Flies
Amulet of Samarkand
Please Kill Me
Let Fury Have the Hour
And many others.


[ ♥ ]
I love my best friend Melody. She's either the best or one of the best friend's I've had! I Kristapants is effin awesome!! She says what's on her mind a lot of the time, and that's what's so hilarious about her.
Laura Leigh is one of the strongest Christians I know. I wish I was as strong with God as she is.
Adam is my best friend, he's always protected me and been there. I love you.
This is my superhero that defeats the rest:

My guinea pig, Biskit!!
Contacts [ ♥ ]
My email is [email protected]
My AIM s/n is RockUrHeartOut10
My Yahoo! Messenger s/n is RockUrHeartOut10
My Windows/MSN Messenger email to login with is [email protected]
My website on myself is:
My livejournal account is: [email protected] is an inactive email address... I don't know how I'm still able to use it for AIM but it is an unavailable email address so do not try to IM with that.

My Blog

My Lips Are Sealed

And I kept my mouth closedWhen you made a fool of yourself up thereI wasn't sure if I should let you continueEveryone up there just stared at youIt was crazyAnd I knewDeep down, I should say something...
Posted by jennakins™ on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 10:36:00 PST

Grrr... Stupid My Space... Sometimes... JK Tom...You know I love your site lol.

I tried to post something but My Space is being gay... So nvm... I'll just say that... Umm... Yeah... I have nothing to talk about really... a couple of new pictures and my profile's stuff has been ch...
Posted by jennakins™ on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 04:32:00 PST

If I had just spent one more moment with you

If I had just spent one more moment with youWould it be the sameWould we be togetherIf I had one wishIt would be to test just thatWe could spend the day and night togetherAnd I could see if it's a dre...
Posted by jennakins™ on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 07:24:00 PST


Okay... If ya'll love me, you will read the true ten facts about My Space that I have put together. Everyone else keeps coming up with stupid crap as to how these are the ten things about My Space tha...
Posted by jennakins™ on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 08:36:00 PST

gosh this sucks

Below is a picture of something I took on my way home from Kroger. Now... You may not be able to tell, because I kinda forgot to change some settings on my camera before I took it, but basically this ...
Posted by jennakins™ on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 10:26:00 PST

new pictures.

hey. new pictures. I've already sent out bulletins. just comment please. I want the love lol.
Posted by jennakins™ on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 10:52:00 PST

it's raining. yes.

All that drama I was mentioning, for the most part. Done with. Have you ever just completely written off an ex-best friend, then one day, they somehow come back into your life and you question your en...
Posted by jennakins™ on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 02:46:00 PST

"Let It Go (It's Been Too Long)"

And you won't let me forgetAll that was saidYou tried to play it all offLike it was all my fault I'm sick and tiredOf having to be defensiveI'm sick and tiredOf all of this Let it go, let it goI know ...
Posted by jennakins™ on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 02:15:00 PST


If I love you, I'll give you the number. I have it now. I got it right after I posted that blog this morning. Lol. muahxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo Jennifer
Posted by jennakins™ on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 07:54:00 PST

this morning

I just tried to grab a grape, off of my plate, with my mouth. I almost spilled my scrambled eggs all over the place. Ahhh.... Yummy breakfast. OH, and I'm getting a cell in a few days. Yay. Yeah. So ...
Posted by jennakins™ on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 06:18:00 PST