Whitney profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

So I thought I would make a list to help you better understand what kind of person I am
Personality Im pretty super...
And a real bitch..
Huge smartass...
Plus totally loyal..
Funniest person ever..
Little bit of a nerd..
And I dont care how you judge me.
Things I
All my friends and family
Rain drops
Pink lemonade
Snake scales
Orange cats
Red walls
Zen hands
Oyster pizza
Kissing in the rain
Hazel eyes
Shooting stars
Being lost in the woods
Hot tubing in the snow
Swimming at 3 in the morning
Free falling
Cliff jumping
Floating down the river
Dance class
Guys Cologne
Being jacked up on coffee
Pixie sticks...the orange kind
Corney movies
Scary movies
Guys trying to act "smooth"
Sun bathing
Being moved by lyrics
The numbers 16, 18, 21, and 37
Catching water snakes
Waterfalls and rivers
Apple juice
Willow trees
Rubber duckies
Strong arms on guys
Laying in the grass
Going to concerts
Forgetting the time
Driving no where
Sound of hockey players on ice
Cold hands on my neck
Laughing so hard I cry

My Interests

I am way into politics...GO LIBERALS! I have very strong beliefs and it's hard for people to change my mind, but I would prefer you to voice your opinions that oppose mine rather then keep them to yourselves.

I absolutely love concerts so far my fav has been Trapt. They totally rock. I would love to have been old enough to gone to Manson, but alas I was not 18. I listen to everything from Manson to 50 Cent to Billie Holiday and Kelly Clarkson. Oh and I love the Spice Girls, always have and always will!

My other passion besides music is hockey. My favorite team is the Colorado Avalanche.

I love to just hang out with people, whether I know you or not as long as there is no drama its always a blast getting to know strangers!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone! People that don't believe in drama and just want to have fun and be carefree!


Rent Pink Floyd Rob Zombie Billie Holiday Cherry Poppin Daddies 50 Cent Eminem Audioslave Avenue Q Savage Garden Trapt Deftones Trick Pony AC/DC Jewel Sinatra Marilyn Manson Anna Nalik Led Zeppelin Spice Girls Justin Timberlake Hinder The Eagles Queen The Darkness Lynard Synard Areosmith Styxx Sweet Shakira Fergie Beyonce Santana Kayne West Kelis Rob Zombie Young Jibb Christina Aguliera Ozzy Frankie J Fort Minor Gnarls Barkley Nate Dog T-Pain Akon Norah Jones The All-American Rejects ABBA Willie Nelson Bare Naked Ladies Ted Nugent Coldplay Very little Rap James Blunt 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s


Employee of The Month Nightmare Before Christmas Queen of the Damned Dark Crystal Labyrinth The Jerk The Pest Producers Rent Jackass 1 Jackass 2 A lot Like Love Legend Liar Liar Army of Darkness The Blues Brothers Bruce Almighty outh Park Bigger Longer and Uncut Donnie Darko The Bill and Ted movies Phantom of The Opera The Ringer Dukes of Hazard Batman(s) James Bond movies Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Super Troopers 10th Kingdom Grandma’s Boy Rocky Horror Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Signs Beerfest The Da Vinci Codes Joe Dirt Jay and Silent Bob movies Can Wilder You, Me, and Dupree The Village Knockaround Guys Star Wars The Sweetest Thing Saw 1 Scary Movie 4 The Big Lebowski Chicken Little The Family Stone Wedding Crashers 50 First Dates Ben and Joon Pirates Willie Wonka and… From Dusk Till Dawn The Shining Psycho Failure to Launch In Her Shoes Fun with Dick and Jane


Jackass Wild Boyz Viva La Bam Family Guy South Park The Simpsons Jericho House Heroes


I pretty much will read anything that is thought provoking!


Drew Barrymore...since we look alike MyGen Profile Generator

My Blog

My Friends

Recently I have been thinking about how much I have changed over the last year. The only thing I can think of why these changes happened is due to my friends. SO I want to thank all of you for making ...
Posted by Whitney on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:15:00 PST

Freakin wow.....

So tomorrow the 22nd is my birthday and I gotta say. What a freakin awesome year! So many memeories that I wouldn't trade for the world. Just wanted to thank my wonderful friends for making it great a...
Posted by Whitney on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 04:26:00 PST

How hockey saved my life...

Well sorta. So I was at work and was designated to the lingerie section of our store, and as I was deciding what should go out on the floor and whats not going to be useful and freakin ignoramus spide...
Posted by Whitney on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 11:06:00 PST

funny haha

Posted by Whitney on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 10:08:00 PST


So right now my life isnt all gumdrops and rainbows, it's pretty much chaotic. This sucks. So if I go a few days-weeks without talking to you sorry.
Posted by Whitney on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 10:54:00 PST


                                   ♥ Pro...
Posted by Whitney on Sun, 07 May 2006 12:42:00 PST

Yes, I AM dieing!

So it's official, I Whitney am dieing......do not cry for me, I am already gone.... a little dramatic but who cares! So I have been sick for the past 2 1/2 weeks, in that time frame I have had tonisli...
Posted by Whitney on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 02:01:00 PST

Life thus far...

So I pretty much hate our Senior Project......I think everyone does. I am doing mine on the legalization of Marijuana for medicinal and recreational use...hah, guess my liberal is showing! Lets see wh...
Posted by Whitney on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 12:50:00 PST

Extra extra, read all about it....

So I decided to write a brief update on my life thus far, no it will not be in a nutgraf formula (haha you newsies will get that!) its simple going to be in a bullitein format. Dont like it...heres my...
Posted by Whitney on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 01:58:00 PST

Possibly moving...

So this summer I might be living in New Jersey, fun huh....it'l only be for three months but that's three months BY MYSELF. Kinda scary, but oh well. What ever will be will be!
Posted by Whitney on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 06:38:00 PST