Profile Edited by MySpace EditorI'm A Sagittarius
SAGITTARIUS - Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. They enjoy traveling and exploration, the more so because their minds are constantly open to new dimensions of thought. They are basically ambitious and optimistic, and continue to be so even when their hopes are dashed. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice. They are usually on the side of the underdog in society they will fight for any cause they believe to be just, and are prepared to be rebellious. They balance loyalty with independence. Sagittarius seeks to understand and control with knowledge. Most Sagittarians have an intellectual curiosity that covers a wide range of subjects. Never try to present Sagittarians with facts because they already have an unlimited supply which they gladly recite in rapid succession. They become bored and restless when surrounded by people or circumstances in which they have no interest. At such times, they find ways to disappear physically or mentally. They would rather learn things on their own through travel and experience. Sagittarians readily adapt to change. This trait is a strength because it is a survival mechanism, and a weakness because it makes them vulnerable to the demands and influence of other people. One of their greatest facilities for adapting to change is making home wherever they happen to be. They represent the Sagittarian search for collecting and disseminating truth and knowledge as well as their constant search for new ideas and new adventures. They are usually quite talkative and, as a rule, do not hesitate to give their honest opinions, a gesture which seems tactless at times though it is rarely their intention to be cruel. They have a ready wit and appreciate the humor even in grim situations. Sagittarians react physically to everything they experience in life. Before they assess the practicality or worth of what they are doing, before they sort out their true emotions, and before they take time to reason things out intellectually, they have a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later. Communication-oriented Sagittarians are forever running around with energy and enthusiasm. They are independent and hard to pin down for long, and indeed, this is the sign of the bachelor. In one way or another even married Sagittarians seek to maintain some aspect of personal independence. They love music, art, dance, and drama (theater) and many of them have considerable talent in these areas. Basically everything said above is a very realistic version of who I am and what I have become.