Danial profile picture


About Me

hey im danial (daniel but with an "a" instead) but most people just call me dan except a few who call me danny or danny boy

My Interests

the usual: hanging out with friends, music, etc

I'd like to meet:

im sure my piano teacher would understand if she saw this but if i was given the opportunity to b taught by say alicia keys or chris martin or jewel thatd b sweeeeeet


songs with piano -and- trance, techno, electronica, dance, etc


wedding singer, lord of the rings, zoolander, cabin fever, crouching tiger hidden dragon, wrong turn, big fish, jawbreaker haha


er, csi, real world, cops, alias, whatever good is on


idk 5 ppl u meet in heaven was a pretty good book considering it was a summer reading book

My Blog

getting the hang of it

aight im getting the hang of this shit but i need more friends but i want to just go up and ask or is that what u do..............?
Posted by Danial on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

wow this sucks

i just set my profile up and it looks like shit already whatever i guess it will stay thsi way its not like neone is gonna even look at it
Posted by Danial on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST