God, Music, The Music Business, Music Marketing, Entertainment Law, School, Shopping, going to the movies, being fly, watching TV, laughing, talking...
People who are about something positive in life.
I'm so versatile when it comes to music...it would be pointless for me to list everything.
Love Jones, Brown Sugar, Knocked up, Dream Girls, The Pursuit of Happyness, Coming to America.
Ugly Betty, Girlfriends, The Fashionista Diaries, The Hills, DR. 90210, Family Guy, The Real World, Sex In The City, The Tyra Show, Big Love.
48 laws of power, All you need to know about the music business, Legal Aspects of the Music Industry, Life and Def, Trump Nation, Girl Make your Money Grow, Make It Happen, Rhythm and Business, Do You.
God, my Mom & Dad, Oprah, Kevin Liles, Russell Simmons, L. Londell McMillan.