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right now the best thing you can do for me is.......................

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My Interests

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Mom,Dad,Nonnie and Papa I,Nonnie and Papa L,Uncle C, E, V, A, G, T, Auntie P, M,M, N, L.Wilfred, Boyd, Deveraux.Andrew, Steven, Anthony, "Michael Vincent" and far too many more~ I love you and miss you all so much and hope to be with you soon**************
Myspace Layouts
shopping! cooking! I love shoes politics and American history;dead celebrities,punk music; opera; disco tunes; big bands~ all mood dependent; autobigraphies; my Italian heritage;creative people;obscure trivia;doggies; learning how to type with more than one finger someday; crimefighting; Shakespeare;OUR AMERICAN MILITARY PERSONNEL~GOD BLESS THEM EVERYONE~THANK YOU FOR KEEPING ME SAFE/OUR AMERICAN FREEDOM FIGHTERS ROCK!

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Music is a dichotomy~ there's Frank and then there's rest.A few of the rest I like would be:Good Charlotte, the Monkees, Queen(RIP Freddie) the Barrys~White and Manilow, Josh Groban,Pavorotti, Simple Plan, FOB, DeanTony,Gwen,Madonna,Judy Garland,Motown,Paul Anka,Broadway showtunes,lots of 80s new wave one hit wonders, Marvin and Luther(singing in that heavenly choir)Marni Nixon ,Michael Jackson, Patsy Cline
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In no particular order except for the number 1 film of all time: THE WIZARD OF OZ

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alas,some of these shows have gone to that great network in the sky

USA please renew for season 5!


Lonesome Dove, I've Gotta Be Me anything by Shakespeare Chicken Soup series and yes I do cry, the Death of James Dean, the Caine Mutiny,cookbooks the Purpose Driven Life,political and historical autobios the Making of the Wizard of Oz Lucky Santangelo series(girl's gotta have some trashy reads,eh),the dictionary,my 2nd favourite book


All the men and women who have served the United States, past and present~without them I would not have the freedom to write this firefighters/police officers, especially my friend Liz of the PPD/ Pope JPII
my late dad Vincent who enlisted in the USN right out of hs and was serving in the Pacific Theatre just a few weeks later and my late mom Margherite who taught me the value of respect, dignity, tolerance, honesty, good manners and how to make a kick-ass gravy/ the person who will one day cure AIDS/ those who survive child abuse;it doesn't have to be physical to be painful;we never forget the hurtful words but we choose not to repeat or excuse them
the parents of the disabled children I work with, they never give up or complain;I am so grateful they allow me to share their lives and trust me with the most precious thing they have/ Maria , Modesto , Caterina and Vincenzo, my 2 nonnie's and 2 papa's for their courage to leave Italy more than 100 yrs ago for America.they discovered that the streets were not paved in gold but worked hard, raised families and inspired me.I wish they hadn't left me so early in my life/ JESUS~the greatest hero of all who gave his life for me;how can I not try to do my very best each day knowing that?

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My Blog

life in retrospect

There comes a time in everyone's life when you have to re-examine and assess the course it has taken.Has your path brought you to where you want to be?Are you happy with the choices you made?Any regre...
Posted by Dianna9 on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 09:19:00 PST

an honor and privilege

A couple of days ago I was kicking around a local store picking up trinkets to put in Easter gift bags.I spotted 2 guys wandering around seemingly searching the aisles for something.One was weari...
Posted by Dianna9 on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 06:22:00 PST

election update

FYI: Final tally of yesterday's Rhode Island primary,Senator Clinton garnered 33,635 more votes than Senator Obama. Several staunch Democrats I spoke with today told me their pro~Hillary vote was...
Posted by Dianna9 on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 05:34:00 PST

quick commentary

Today was the Rhode Island Presidential primary and a local radio station was asking listeners to call in with who they were voting for and why.Having just left my polling place I called and told them...
Posted by Dianna9 on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 07:34:00 PST

tomorrow is the day voters

Texas,Vermont,Ohio and my very own Rhode Island  are holding primaries tomorrow on what is being touted nationally as the most important primary day since last months super Tuesday.At stake are 2...
Posted by Dianna9 on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 07:07:00 PST

since you didnt ask.....

*I don't care what the label says I do not refrigerate ketchup or syrup  *Desi Arnaz was a comedic genius way ahead of his time *no matter how long you sit at the salon you will always ding ...
Posted by Dianna9 on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 09:56:00 PST

just some thoughts.......

So little Barry Hussein Omaba Jr's daughters do not listen to Britney Spears music and think she is 'yuk'. My question is "who the hell cares"? Since when do the musical interests of a 9 and 6 year ol...
Posted by Dianna9 on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 08:55:00 PST

the GOP

MySpace.com Privacy   topnav{background-color:6698cb;}adspacer{height:35px;width:1 px;}    ..>   ..>   ..>   The Republican Party - GOP HistoryThe...
Posted by Dianna9 on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 07:32:00 PST

bad day 101

you know it's a bad day when when you go to the market for milk and come out with a tub of chocolate chip cookies,2 boxes of ice cream and a bag of snickers. hope they go well with water....
Posted by Dianna9 on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 11:32:00 PST

and the question is.......

So life sucks and then if you're really unlucky you wake up the next day only to relive the pain.There is never enough time,never enough money,never enough compassion,never enough understanding. ...
Posted by Dianna9 on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 03:38:00 PST