We have finally compliled the 23 flavors of Dr. Pepper that have, until now, been completely unknown.
List of 23 flavors
1. Halitosis Saliva
2. Shart Juice
3. SyphilAIDS
4. Bono's Sunglasses
5. Ear Cheese
6. Albino Girls Lazy Eye
7. Yeast Infection
8. Dick Cheese-Burger
9. Reclaimed Water
10. Douche Juice
11. Urinal Cakes
12. Burnt Hair
13. Robert Stenson's Logic
14. Dank Nugz (420, 1080, 69)
15. E-40's Fried Chicken Filled Mouth
16. Collection of Christian Children's Wet Dreams
17. Deep Fried Copy of Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard
18. River Cumo's Fecal Matter
19. Star Trooper Jiz
20. Poopdick
21. Oxyclean
22. Horse Hoofs
23. Cottage Cheese Thighs
Special thanks to:
This guy.