"When the bell tolls three times, it will announce that I have been killed. If I am killed by common men, you and your children will rule Russia for centuries to come; if I am killed by one of your stock, you and your family will be killed by the Russian people! Pray Tsar of Russia, Pray."-Grigori Rasputin
Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin
First and foremost, Grigori Rasputin is the greatest man to ever live. Now for my introduction... If you want to know about me, press 5 now. For more options call 867-5309 and wait for Tommy Twotone to answer the phone. After many people constantly annyoing me about getting an AIM, I got one. The Screen Name thingy is MyEternalTruth so when I am on (and that's not very often, message me) ok? Another thing, David Draiman=GOD! Also KT Tunstall=God's Apprentice (next to Sasha) lol. He is one of the best fucking singers i've ever heard! This fact was proven after I went to see Disturbed in concert just so you all know:-)
I know this will probably sound gay but Richard, Sam R, Andrew H, Elizabeth, Danielle, Lynette, Rachel, Ashley V, Tierna, Alesha and Clara, you guys are like my family even though I have one, I hope never to lose any of you guys as a friend. I love everyone else too, but these guys are especially close to me:-)
My life dream is to travel to Russia to see the Romanov Museum. That would be the best thing ever to happen to me, its just a matter of time before Lynette and I go overseas. I JUST NEED MONEY! Russian culture is the most fascinating thing ever to me, I would gladly do a report of Grigori Rasputin (I bet everyone's like who the hell is this) for school any day. Rasputin was a fascinating person and I would have give anything to go back in time and meet him! Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin was the aid to the Tsarevich of Russia, Prince Alexei Romanov. He was later known as the Mad Monk for his attempted subjugation of the Russian empire. First he was attacked by a former girlfriend and suffered a mortal wound from which he recovered. He was then murdered by Felix Yusupov by being shot in the back, poisoned with arsenic and when both of those failed to kill him, Felix threw Rasputin into the Neva River. He died of drowning, not of the gunshot wound or the poison, even though the levels of the poison in his body were enough to kill 60 men.
Also, I believe in God. I am a christian, and proud of it.
The Simple Things To Know About Ian: I drink too much.
I cannot stand being alone, yet when I want to be alone, leave me alone.
I can be quite anti-social sometimes, other times, I can be too social.
Whenever I am outside and I hear a car horn, I will say "Honk!". I honestly don't know why.
Friends are the shit. I probably wouldn't still be here if they weren't here as well.
I can never stay mad for more than 3 hours. There are rare exceptions to this rule and if you just happened to be the one who caused said exception, you just fucked up.
I enjoy life, but sometimes I just want to crawl in a hole and die.
Some of my friends know me better than others, and that is not likely to change.
I have a lot of friends, some are close friends, some are good friends and some are real friends. You will know which catagory you fall under if you truly know me.
I am slightly Obsessive Compulsive. When people don't captilize letters that should be capitalized, it bugs the shit out of me.
I don't like being single and I am sick of being the "Good Friend" instead of boyfriend.
That's pretty much me! Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com THIS IS WHERE YOU WILL PUT THE CODE BACK IN
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| View Show | Create Your Own Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Me
Name: Ian
Nicknames: Too many to name
DOB: 2/15/92
City Born In: Green Bay
City You Live In: Green Bay
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Do You...
Smoke?: No
Drink?: Yes
Do Drugs?: No
Work?: Yes
Go To School?: Yes
Random Questions
Are You Single or Taken?: Single
Do You Have A Crush?: Yes
Whats Their Name?: That's for me to know and for you to never find out
First Boyfriend/ Girlfriends Name?: ...
Have You Ever Been In Love?: Yes
Are You In Love Now?: Sorta
Ever Tell Someone You Love Them and Not Mean It?: Yeah
Have You Ever?
Kissed Someone?: Yes
Madeout With Someone?: Yes
Had Sex?: No
Kissed Someone Of the Same Sex? (Non-Relative): No
Madeout With Someone of the Same Sex?: No
Drank?: Yes
Smoked?: No
Tried Drugs?: No
Broken The Law?: Yes
Been Arrested?: No
Run From the Law?: Yes
Dyed Your Hair?: Yes
Broken A Bone?: No
Had Surgery?: Yes
Been On A Road Trip?: I WISH
Been On A Plane?: Yeah
Left the Country?: No
Passed Out Somewhere Strange?: Too many times...
TV Show: Inuyasha
Movie: Constantine
Song: Guarded
Type Of Music: Metal
Store: Hot Topic
Drunken Memory: I tried to walk toward my friends and my feet just collapsed under me and I fell into them, knocking all of them over.
Alcoholic Beverage: Everything
Non-Alcoholic Beverage: Iced Tea
Food: Subway
Some Final Questions
Any Piercings?: No
Where?: None
Any Tattoos?: No
Where?: None
Any Scars?: Yes
Color Hair?: Blonde
Color Eyes?: Brown
Favorite Quote?: Can't think of one
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