s|ngiNg in tHe baThrOom..., dAncinG aLonG wiF thE beAt..., liStenIng to goOd sOngs~, eaTing, juMpinG uP and Down, walkiNg iN my HomE fRom oNe end to aNother eNd, bEIng wIF my famiLy, bAKing CHocoLAte CakEs or ChocOlate cookiES( i luRve chocOLate mAN!)
eH.. of cOz PplE i can Get aLOng weLL with lAh... pPle whO Are: consiDering, CarIng, LovaBLE! cUTe. fun TO be wIth...eh.... and COoL;). aLso deY musT be oF goOD perSonaliTy aNd whOEvER i fEEl comFortable wIf.=D
a wIde wiDe vaRiety... nice i lisTen Lo~~ esPeciALly songs that aRe gOod to my NeRves..like thOSe kiNd that record the sOundS of the atmospHEre? biRds cHIrpiNg the flapping of the sEa waveS on thE shOre and soMe upbeAt sOngs and the rEcentLy popular R&B~~
hOho... the MatriX is quiTta eXcitIng...and...r0maNtic mOVies, jiM carrEy's onE nevEr faiLed to MAke me lAuGH*
NAH~~~ =P so boRing.. unlesS the BOok's cOntenT is reLated tO my LifE in sOme waYs...then mEbbE i wiLL shoW somE inTeresT~ *bLeaH*