Movies, music, singing, going to concerts, collecting music memorabilia (autographs, pics with bands, stickers, anything basically), playing guitar, writing, reading, playing pool, watching sports, going out for coffee, hanging out with cool people, drinking, and I can't forget Smiley's!
Intelligent people, artists, musicians, fellow college students, people with similar interests, people I can be around and simply have fun. I've been considered one of the guys most of my life probably partly because I enjoy watching sports (I used to play but a series of knee surgeries tends to make that come to a screeching halt) especially football, basketball and (recently) soccer...and you better expect to be yelling at the tv with me during the game, but you better know what you are talking about!I am single, but I'm not looking for a relationship at this time.REGARDING EXCESSIVE FRIEND REQUESTS: I don't want to sound like a bitch, but DO NOT EXPECT ME TO ADD YOU AS A FRIEND UNLESS YOU SEND ME A MESSAGE. I am sick of people sending add requests then never talking to me. Also, AS FOR BANDS - unless I personally know you or really enjoy your music (in which case you are already on my friends list) DO NOT SEND ME A FRIEND REQUEST. I am always looking for new music, but I don't like it shoved down my throat. I will find you.
I just could not list all of the bands I like, I think I would run out of room to type before I could name a third of them! So I will list what KINDS of music I like. Some (VERY little) rap and r&b, SOME country, jazz, classical, metal or hard rock, classic rock, oldies, punk, rock, ska, VERY little emo, but I despise most pop.
I'm not even gonna go there...I like way too many! :) Boondock Saints will forever reign in the 1st spot on my list.
Nip/Tuck, Adult Swim, Hell's Kitchen, Seinfeld, Law & Order (all of them), CSI, Ren & Stimpy, Invader Zim, Monster House & Garage, mostly everything on Comedy Central, especially the stand up comedy, Grey's Anatomy, the Travel Channel, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, if it looks good, and I have time, I'll usually watch it.
A Clockwork Orange, 9/11 Report, Chain of Command, Plot Against America, Dude Where's My Country?, The Minds of Billy Milligan, The Old Man and the Sea, Red Badge of Courage, Lord of the Flies, The Metamorphosis, Heart of Darkness, Angels and Demons, The Da Vince Code, Black Like Me, The Giver, One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest, Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, The Scarlet Letter, The Awakening... the list continues.
My family and good friends (you know who you are) for all of their support through everything. Also, anyone who stands up *peacefully* for what they believe in no matter what it is, and the troops (even though I am against the current war, I know those fighting are just following orders and can't be blamed for what is happening), and Animal...from the muppets...he just is freaking awesome.
You Are Animal
A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts.
You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary.
But you sure can beat a good drum.
"Kill! Kill!"
The Muppet Personality Test