A lot....
If existing:
The man called god and the other bad guy.
Korea's Bad-Guy: 박진ì˜
(Park Jin Young - JYP)
His song "Kiss" reminds me a bit of
NIN's Closer
Korea's Nr. 1 Hit:..Jewelry - One More Time
I can't hear it anymore.
But youhave to suffer too!!
Some NiceStuff...
My "Religion"....
Zertifikat dieser MySpace-Seite.
Sorry, not in english.
Link: http://www.beesign.at/erdstrahlen/index.html
Actually blocked by MySpace.. I don't knowwhy???
This is for relaxation.
My ferrets gone wild.
Strange things happen at 5am ^(°,°)^...
That's not funny anymore U F***** assholes
Every song charming my ears....All songs are licensed under Creative Commons .
..sind Vorbilder!
Vorbilder sind Bilder!
Und Bilder gehören an die Wand genagelt!
(sorry, there is no correct translation)