Amy =] profile picture

Amy =]

Amy's The Sex

About Me

x My name is Amy
x I am 16 =]
x I like music but it's not my life.
x I'm me&&thats it
x I'm a sucker for hugs&&kisses. ..they make me smille. =]
x I love my friends to death. they are better then yours
x I love photos
x I care about almost everyone
x I dont label myself&&you shouldnt either
x I am not a people pleaser.. i please myself
x I trust people very easily
x You will either love me or hate me
x I probably will like you
x I love fairy bread
x I have girly moments
x I often say the words "i love you" but if i really mean it, you wont ever forget.
x I Laugh At My Own Jokes.
x I Smile At Strangers.
x If you comment me I will comment you back =]

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