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I'm Skye I'm the third girl out of four in my family. My three sisters are Zoe who is 20, Stef who is 18 and Jasmin (or Minda) who is 14. We all look pretty damn similar, apparently. It's just myself, my sisters and ma at home... as well as 3 dogs, 3 cats, 10 chickens, 3 guinea pigs and 2 rabbits.I absolutely adore all animals... Except for cockroaches.I work at Bakers Delight. Beat that lolI go to a dandy school called Shelford Girls' Grammar... Yes, it is private and all girls.
I'm doing English, Methods, Psychology, History and Japanese at school... Year 12... Woot lolI am very much against smoking and doing drugs, but I drink.I try not to swear. It's rude and tacky.I don't believe in hate.I go for the Saints. Ye-ahhhI'm argumentative and like, nay love, to be right and prove others wrong. I can admit when I'm wrong but I don't like to.I'm one of the most competitive people you will ever meet. I have no problem with hitting people when they piss me off, or just playfully.It's so damn easy to make me laugh. Everything is funny in the land of Skye.I'm easy going but if I'm in a bad mood or stressed out I will bite your head off. My friends all think I have OCD. I am slightly neurotic. I am honest (often brutally) and extremely forward. It comes in handy if you want to know the truth but don't ask if you don't want to know.I refuse to lie unless necessary, or to keep a secret for a friend.I'm short and I do know it, so contrary to popular belief I don't have to be reminded with short jokes all the time (even though they are funny).I say in 1000 words what most people can say in 1. It's almost impossible to shut me up and I live for gossip. I love to party and nine times out of ten I will be absolutely smashed by the end of the night. I then do very idiotic things. There is photo evidence...I have dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin but I am not foreign... Just a freak of nature.Guys are my big weakness... Especially red heads (don't ask why). Oh well, you're only a teenager once.I don't dance. The Nutbush is an exception.I am almost always on myspace and msn. You can add me if you want: [email protected]

My Interests

Name: DORIAN!!!!!!!!!!
Birthday: February 28th, 1991
Birthplace: some hospital in Melbourne
Current Location: Melbourne!
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: also brown
Height: short :P about 160cm if i'm lucky
Right Handed or Left Handed: riiightyyy
Your Heritage: true bluueee
The Shoes You Wore Today: none lol
Your Weakness: men
Your Fears: really deep water
Your Perfect Pizza: hrmmm vegetarian is yum
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: an ace tan lol
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: 'man' or 'twisted' or 'lol'
Thoughts First Waking Up: 'damnnn my alarm ruined my dream!'
Your Best Physical Feature: fingernails lol
Your Bedtime: i'm fair nocturnal but basically when i get tired
Your Most Missed Memory: swimming in nana's pool with the whole family
Pepsi or Coke: neither! soft drinks rot your teeth
MacDonalds or Burger King: what's burger king? i'll have to sac mcdonalds
Single or Group Dates: depends where but either is good
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: erm... dunno?
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate!!!!
Cappuccino or Coffee: neither! euuughhhhhh
Do you Smoke: i'd rather die
Do you Swear: not often
Do you Sing: very very badly :P
Do you Shower Daily: sure do
Have you Been in Love: yerp
Do you want to go to College: not really but i will
Do you want to get Married: yes
Do you belive in yourself: not really
Do you get Motion Sickness: yessssss
Do you think you are Attractive: nope
Are you a Health Freak: nope
Do you get along with your Parents: with mum yeah
Do you like Thunderstorms: loooove them! so beautiful
Do you play an Instrument: haha no
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: sure have
In the past month have you Smoked: no way
In the past month have you been on Drugs: again, i'd rather die
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: sure have
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no ew i don't like oreos, they're too rich
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: um yesss
In the past month have you been on Stage: i don't believe so
In the past month have you been Dumped: nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nope never have either. moh :( lol
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nope
Ever been Drunk: sure have
Ever been called a Tease: constantly :P
Ever been Beaten up: not seriously
Ever Shoplifted: no way
How do you want to Die: in my sleep
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: no idea. anything with animals n i'll be happy
What country would you most like to Visit: somewhere in europe
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: green
Favourite Hair Color: brown
Short or Long Hair: medium
Height: taller than me. well, the taller the better
Weight: not fussed
Best Clothing Style: really casual
Number of Drugs I have taken: none, unless you count alcohol and legal drugs aka panadol lol
Number of CDs I own: like 30 but i don't use them coz i download everything
Number of Piercings: just my ears, so 2
Number of Tattoos: none yet
Number of things in my Past I Regret: none. we learn from our mistakes



♥3 Doors Down ♥ ♥Matchbox Twenty ♥ ♥Breaking Benjamin ♥ ♥My Chemical Romance ♥ ♥The Click Five ♥ ♥Taking Back Sunday ♥ ♥Sevendust ♥ ♥Cute Is What We Aim For ♥ ♥Plain White T's ♥ ♥Panic! At The Disco ♥ ♥The Academy Is... ♥ ♥30 Seconds To Mars ♥ ♥AFI ♥ ♥The All-American Rejects ♥ ♥Amos Lee ♥ ♥James Morrison ♥ ♥John Mayer ♥ ♥Fall Out Boy ♥ ♥Incubus ♥ ♥Bloc Party ♥ ♥Boys Like Girls ♥A Change Of Pace ♥ ♥The Cab ♥ ♥Dashboard Confessional ♥ ♥Death Cab For Cutie ♥ ♥Eve 6 ♥ ♥Infinities End ♥ ♥Jimmy Eat World ♥ ♥Queen ♥ ♥Paolo Nutini ♥ ♥Tobias Regner ♥ ♥The Rasmus ♥ ♥Kisschasy ♥ ♥Switchfoot ♥ ♥Train ♥ ♥Relient K ♥ ♥Lifehouse ♥ ♥Linkin Park ♥ ♥Creed ♥ ♥Eagles Of Death Metal ♥ ♥Saliva ♥ ♥Staind ♥ ♥Decemberists ♥ ♥Coldplay ♥ ♥Placebo ♥ ♥Nirvana ♥ ♥Jet ♥ ♥John Butler Trio ♥ ♥Kooks ♥ ♥Karnivool ♥ ♥Red Hot Chili Peppers ♥ ♥Teddy Geiger ♥ ♥Silverchair ♥ ♥Snow Patrol ♥ ♥Straylight Run ♥ ♥Five For Fighting ♥ ♥Good Charlotte ♥ ♥Hoobastank ♥ ♥Sum 41 ♥ ♥Wolfmother ♥ ♥Anything Disney ♥ ♥Michael Jackson ♥ ♥Nickelback ♥ ♥The Arcade Fire ♥ ♥Queens Of The Stone Age ♥ ♥Thirsty Merc ♥ ♥The Killers ♥ ♥Powderfinger ♥ ♥Pete Murray ♥ ♥Grinspoon ♥ ♥Anything old school ♥


All time favourite: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Absolute classic! Also, anything with Leonardo DiCaprio from back when he was a heart throb. That means Titanic and Romeo and Juliet! Any Disney movies are great, especially Pocahontas, The Lion King, Aladdin and The Little Mermaid. Crappy teen movies are great as well (such as American Pie and EuroTrip). I also love thrillers as long as they're not too scary, just more suspenseful than anything. And of course, A Walk To Remember. How could I forget?!


Grey's Anatomy That 70s Show Scrubs Friends and Animal Rescue


I know it's a bit juvenile but I love those teen novels that are all kind of boy-meets-girl with a lot of 'Oh my god! No waayyy!' Hush, as if you don't find them funny! I love Macbeth which is probably just because it brings back great English class memories with the beautiful Milo. Haha, that was one good elephant! Whilst I'm on the Shakespeare topic, Romeo and Juliet is also a great classic. Also, Jaclyn Moriarty's Finding Cassie Crazy and Feeling Sorry for Celia are great. And last but certainly not least, The Day After Forever by Erin Skiffington. My all time favourite book which is depressingly really hard to find :(


My friends and family because they are all fantastic people. However, there are certain people that I absolutely love and look up to more than they will ever know. Andy - He's the only person that can make up decent nicknames for me, I can literally never be really cut at him and I couldn't live without him. In short, I adore him. Elana - She is my twin, my lana banana, my Jewish bridesmaid. She understands all my (boy) problems and anxieties and can relate to everything. She is an absolute trooper and I love her. Milo - The most beautiful personal radio/comedian I have (not that I have any others...). She has talent you can't even begin to imagine and a heart of gold. Her confidence and bubbly personality never fail to make me happy.

My Blog


BULLSHIT MAIL #4By Skye and LaylaDear Fellow Bullshitters,WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! bullshit mail numero fouro is upon us! only about 3 years in the making woot wooot. be proud damnit for those of yo...
Posted by §kye on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 08:27:00 PST

life and school and stress

Guess what kids? This, along with the rest of the crap I've done today and yesterday, is a form of procrastination. I've done my english oral for like 4 hours... No, I'm not that slow and retarded. Th...
Posted by §kye on Sun, 20 May 2007 12:32:00 PST

one week left :D

Helloooo my loves!! I have not posted a blog since forever, so my sincerest apologies! WELLwelcome back to my lovely blog milly and i were just talking about her blog, of which she has trillions of p...
Posted by §kye on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 01:21:00 PST

stupid things we say

Here's a bit of a convo I just had with Zoe and Jasmin (my sisters)Jas - "You know what lesbians should do, go to the sperm bank and ask for them to put sperm in their vibrators"Zoe -  (acting li...
Posted by §kye on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 06:58:00 PST


There's a storm and it's excciiiitttiinnngg!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOPP!Crazy weather makes me go mad like the full moon makes animals go psycho. A storm is my full moon haha. I'm a werewolf. I hope I have...
Posted by §kye on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 03:54:00 PST


WOOOOOP! For once I actually understand this damn myspace dohicky. And it's actually exciting P.S I went to Sam's party last night as a nerd. I looked daaaammnnnn fine!...
Posted by §kye on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 09:35:00 PST


What?! no one likes my blog?I HATE YOU ALLyet you are still my friendsthe world is tragic!...
Posted by §kye on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 03:34:00 PST


I'm starting to understand how to use this evil evil site! Meaning I have more than one friend! So happy! Okay, i lied. Still damn confused.Help me!...
Posted by §kye on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 04:26:00 PST

is this the subject line? it says it can't be blank... damn this site

Why I have a myspace I don't know. I did have a good reason but I've forgotten. How strange. I have a cold so it's not my fault! I'm mad and am beginning to forget english. Should I be worried? ... Do...
Posted by §kye on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 04:23:00 PST