Alia Nogaibekova Australia n Kazakstan Exotica profile picture

Alia Nogaibekova Australia n Kazakstan Exotica

I am here for Dating

About Me

Cool Myspace Contact TablesMySpace Backgrounds @ HTML-Codes.comDONT ASK ME FOR MY MSN WHEH MESSAGING ME!ITS REALLY ANNOYING. What can i say? I believe I am very open minded but classy, diversified but connected with my soul, adventurous but cautious, pursuing beauty both externally n internally type of gal. love to take life to the full whether im working, studying partying, dining, dancing or even chilling. some men find it too hard to handle me, some get more excited whichever doesn't bother me. I was born in Kazakstan, which is between Russia n Mongolia but Ive been living in Australia for the past 7 years. I study at Sydney Uni doing Economics upon completion i plan to move to the states or canada as im easy to get bored, i wanna keep seeing the world, travel while im young.

My Interests

dancing. always trying to practice as much as i can. love music, as long as its good for my soul, dining out, have been working in fine dining for ages, love and appreciate good food. thats why am fat :) reading to stimulate brains n learn. clubbing when i feel like it. trying learn french cos its a beautiful language, but noone to practice with here. that it for now. au revoir!

I'd like to meet:

only hot and rich guys please! :)lol, just kidding, anyone who feels they have a connection, chemistry or positive energy with me. anyone who enjoys meeting people from all over the world as thats what myspace is for. just no sleazy guys who write dirty talk, ill have to tell those off real mean, so dont test me pls. im here to have fun like everyone else n make some virtual but true friends who later could become part of my reality? :)

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mainly r&b, hip hop, some rap, as long as its not too off the hook. can listen to any good music. unfortunately, sometimes i can like commercial stuff too.


i like movies which after u finish watching make u think about meaning of life.


like most girls, like ;sex n the city', 'girlfriends' . also force myself to watch educational stuff, discovery channel, documentaries, etc. even when i dont want to.


siddhartha by herman hesse, celestine prophecy. love russian authors, like gorki and chehov.


my muse is angelina jolie, she proved to everyone she is not just a pretty face. also, robert kiyosaki, genuis in financial world, most people consider him dodgy, but he always inspires me to think outside regular little meaningless problems we face.