Carrie profile picture


Im gonna have a baby!!!

About Me

Layout Provided By - Myspace LayoutsIm a pretty simple person. Im usually happy as long as the company is good. I love going to see live music or just layin around watchin movies. I watch the best baby ever during the week. He's a year old and ive been with him since he was only two months. I love my job! I have a great family, great friends, and an amazing boyfriend. Im usually always happy and smiling. Just really got to know myself within the past year. And now Im the happiest with my life I've ever been... eventhough sometimes I feel like I should be farther than I am. But hey, It is what It is. I just want to live happily ever after!

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My Interests

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Harry Potters, Big Fish, Shrek, Devils Rejects, American Beauty, American Psycho, Donnie Brasco, Blow, Goodfellas, Team America, Napolian Dynomite, Crash, Man of Fire,Troy, Stewie movie, and pretty much anything with Johnny Depp.


Family Guy, Futurama, Aqua Teen, That 70's Show, Arrested Development, Curb your enthusiasm, The OC, Top Model...


Harry Potters, Narnia, Summer Sisters, Memoirs of a Geisha...